Save - Carlos Sainz

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You were walking around the paddock, forcing a smile on your face. For the first time in a while, you were able to visit your friends who were driving in Formula One. You had always been close friends with Carlos Sainz. He was four years older than you, so when you visited him, you quickly became friends with his younger teammate Lando Norris, who introduced you to his friends and you all became one big group of friends.

You visited as many races as you could and in the beginning, those were a lot, but then you got a boyfriend, and you slowly started to disappear from the track. First, you missed a day, that became two and then a whole weekend. That one weekend turned into two, that turned into three until you stopped coming. You still had contact with the drivers and Carlos still invited you to every race, but your boyfriend didn't let you, even if you begged him. It became toxic, the relationship between the two of you. He got angrier every time you disagreed with him, up till the point where he got violent. You hid it from all your friends and family, but this time there was just something that snapped in you. He had hurt you so much, physically and mentally, and you just couldn't take it anymore. He was away for the weekend, so you packed a bag and left to go to the airport, to go see your friends again.

You walked around the paddock, greeting the people you recognized. Some stopped to talk to you for a second, others were in a hurry. You didn't tell Carlos or any of your friends that you were coming, so it was a surprise for all of them. First, you went to the McLaren garage. A long time ago you had signed a contract that you could go into the garage, so you were now going to take full advantage of that. They were just done with the qualification, so both drivers should still be in the garage. You walked into the garage and greeted the team. Lando and Carlos were both talking to their engineers, not noticing you.

'You did an excellent job boys,' you said.

Both guys head shot up, and their eyes met yours.

'Y/N! You're back!' Lando yelled and ran over to hug you.

You smiled and hugged him back. You winced in pain when Lando bumped into your wrist. The night before your boyfriend hurt you pretty bad and you still had some trouble moving your wrist, and it hurt a lot.

Lando, who was way too excited, didn't notice you flinching in pain. 'It's so good to see you again, Y/N!'

You let go of Lando and smiled. 'It's good to be back.'

Carlos walked over to you and hugged you to. Pulling you closer to him, but somehow more careful. Did he saw you flinching in pain?

'I've missed you,' he whispered.

'I missed you too, Carlos. How is everything here?' you asked as you let him go.

'Very good. I'm starting 5th tomorrow and Lando 8th, so hopefully we will get some points,' Carlos said as he studied your face. From the moment Carlos saw you walking into the garage, he noticed that something was different about you. You didn't have that same spark in your eyes as you did before. You seemed off... sad. When he saw Lando hugging you, he couldn't help noticing the look on your face. It seemed like you were hurt like Lando hurt you. But maybe he saw that because he wanted to find a reason why you stopped coming to the races and suddenly came up. He wanted to talk to you, but Lando was way too enthusiastic and wanted to drag you around the garages, so you could see all your friends. But Carlos stopped him from doing that.

'She's my best friend, Norris. My turn first, then everybody else,' he said.

Lando rolled his eyes, which made you laugh.

You followed him to his drivers room, where you said down on the massage table, carefully rubbing your hurt wrist.

'What's up with the wrist?' Carlos asked you.

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