Sleep paralysis - George Russell

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The sound of your alarm woke you up. You heard George mumbling something next to you. You wanted to turn around and cuddle up against him, but your body wasn't moving. You tried to move your fingers, but they stayed in their place. What the hell was going on.

'Babe, your alarm is going off,' you heard George mumble.

You tried to open your eyes, but even that didn't work.

'Y/N?' You felt his hand on your shoulder.

Why couldn't you move? Your chest started to feel heavy. Why weren't your eyes opening?

The sound of your alarm stopped.

'Y/N, you have to wake up.'

You tried to make any sound you could, but nothing came out.

'Y/N, come on wake up. You're going to be late.' George was silent for a moment. He looked at his girlfriend, who seemed to be asleep. Usually, she would wake right up as soon as her alarm went off. Right now, she was still sleeping. Your chest was moving up and down, which confirmed that you were still asleep. But why didn't you wake up? George sighed as he put on a small light.

'Y/N, you need to get ready,' George said and planted a kiss on your cheek. Only now he realised that your chest was moving up and down a lot faster. 'Y/N, are you okay?' There came no reaction from you.

'You're freaking me out right now, Y/N,' George mumbled. Again, there was no response from his girlfriend. He shook your shoulders. You didn't move at all.

Just when George started to panic, your eyes shot open. You turned your head to George and saw the fear in his eyes.

'Please tell me you were just in a deep sleep,' George said.

You shook your head. A sigh of relieve left your mouth. 'I couldn't move. I heard you, and I felt your hand on my shoulder, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even open my eyes,' you told him as you sat right up in bed. You had never experienced something like this before.

'You couldn't move?'

'I tried so hard. I don't know what got me out of it. It was weird, scary,' you mumbled and looked at George.

'Why don't you stay in today while we figure out what this was.'

You nodded, still upset about what just happened. George called your boss, letting you know that you didn't feel well and also called the doctor while making a cup of tea for you. You just sat in bed, moving your fingers. It was so weird. How could you hear and feel everything, but not move?

George walked back into the bedroom with a cup of tea.

'What did the doctor say?' you asked as you grabbed the cup from him.

'He said that it was sleep paralysis. They're nor sure what caused it, but it could be linked with your anxiety.'

'Great,' you mumbled and took a sip of your tea. 'Does that mean that it's going to happen again?'

'It might. There isn't anything that they can do about it. Did you feel anxious before you went to bed last night?' George got back into the bed with you.

'A little. It was nothing that wasn't there. Just worry about silly things. I didn't know anxiety could trigger this too.'

'Apparently. If it keeps happening, you can see a specialist about it, but let's hope it doesn't happen again.'

'Yeah, this shit is scary as hell,' you said and leaned against George. This was not how you wanted to start your day. 

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