Deleted/Replaced Part Day 18

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Deleted/Replaced Part Day 18

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Deleted/Replaced Part Day 18


Every problem has a root.

Right now the main culprit was the sun and the curtains.

I slowly peeled my eyes open and saw the most beautiful girl ever snuggled up to me. I thank god every damn day for sending her in my life. Being with her makes me feel alive and amazing.

I raised my hand to her cheeks and tucked some stray strands of hair behind her ear. How much ever I was angry at the sunlight for not letting me sleep with this angle, I did admire the view in front of me. Ahaana's face was glowing in the sunlight. Golden Girl. Even her hair shone. Her high cheekbones and long lashes were like a gift of God.

But this girl was blind. She didn't notice all those men, looking at her like that, and neither did she notice all those girls enving her.

Living with her helps me to understand her more. She was scared of vigorous natural things. Like the other day we were walking on the beach when the wind started blowing really fast, she clung to my arm, like it would protect her and prevent the wind from touching her, but she didn't tell me or even accepted that she was afraid.

When it started raining, she again got scared. This time she did tell me that she was afraid. I held her close to me, to let her know that she is not alone and I would do anything to protect her.

That was the night we kissed for the first time. It was a slow yet sweet kiss. It was far more amazing than I had imagined. I forgot about everything kissing her. She left for her room after mumbling some excuse and after composing myself I went behind her. I wanted to know. I had to know if she regretted kissing me. But she didn't.

When she shook her head, my heart skipped a beat and I smashed my lips against her for the second time. I was beyond happy with the recent happenings. Our relationship was changing, she was finally looking at me like I was her husband and not just a friend anymore. It honestly makes me so happy.

But I had to ruin it by saying those things to her. It was honestly my mistake. She trusted me, told me everything about it and I had to ruin everything.

I am going to correct my mistake. She owes answers from me, and I will be providing them.

Even after everything, this amazing girl still cared about me.


It was vigorously raining outside and after knowing that she doesn't like this weather I am surely not going to leave her alone.

I went to her bedroom and knocked on her door. She opened the door with a frown. She was wearing a red nightdress with spaghetti straps which ended just above her knees and she also let her hair down.

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