Day 1 Arrival

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Day 1

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Day 1

"Are you okay?" Vansh asked me as we were making our way out of the airport. Most of the people's eyes were on us. On me. My bangles jingled, making my hands heavier every passing moment. People looked at us like they were watching a newly, happily married couple. But we were not.

I nodded and raised my head to look at him. He was already watching me with calculating eyes, clearly not buying it. He did notice the fact that I was holding his arm with my hand because all the attention made me want to scrum and disappear.

"You look tired. Let's go to the penthouse, it's already cleaned by Abhimanyu" he said checking the time on his wristwatch. I was about to cheer on the fact that I was able to be alone but my stomach growled.

"We will first stop at a restaurant" he joked and led us to the car we rented. Way to embarrass yourself, Ahaana.

As soon as the car started, my eyes became droopy and my eyelids became heavier. I tried my best to stay awake but all the rituals and then the flight had tired me out. I finally gave into and slept, with music softly playing in the car.

"Ahaana, wake up" a pillow nudged me. I scrunched my eyebrows and hugged the pillow, rubbing my face on it. But the pillow did not give up. It kept poking me and forcing me to actually wake up.

"Two more minutes"

"Ahaana, please wake up," the voice said again. But pillows do not talk and if it's daadi ma she won't say please. As this registered in my brain, sleep left my body. I opened my eyes and blinked at him adjusting my vision.

Vansh was on the passenger side trying to wake me up. I had hugged his hand. Our faces were very close. I could feel his breath fanning on my face. I quickly left his hand and climbed down the car, mumbling a sorry.

"I have heard they have amazing pav bhaji" he remembered. Both of us had spent numerous lunch breaks eating pav bhaji on our favourite roadside stall. Even in Goa, he brought me to a less populated stall.

"I think you should call daadi ma" he suggested when we were waiting for our plate. Did he call my daadi ma as his? This was weird but a reality. We were married now.

"I probably should, even you should call maa" the word 'maa' sounded unfamiliar through my mouth. It would take time. Not wasting a single minute to think about it, I took my cell phone and ignored all the messages to call daadi maa.

After our call, the food arrived. The aroma of the pav-bhaji was mouthwatering. Without wasting any time I hurriedly dived into my plate. Bakasur. After a bite or two, I looked over my shoulder to see Vansh waiting for his food.

Suddenly an unknown feeling passed over me, making me frown and think about how inconsiderate I was. I pushed my plate in the middle and elbowed him gently to get his attention. As he turned his head towards me, I signed him to eat with me.

"You eat, my plate would be coming soon"

"We can share from your plate too," I said, forcing him to eat. He smiled and started eating from my plate. Both of us groaned as we ate the pav bhaji because of how tasty it was. Vansh even burped at the end, making both of us laugh loudly.


I plopped on the bed, not caring about other things. I was tired. My whole body was paining and my eyes were blurry. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Vansh was in his room, probably getting ready for sleep too. The penthouse belonged to one of Vansh's friends. To say it was perfect would not be a lie. It had two rooms, one kitchen cum dining hall, balcony, living room, and a study room.

My thoughts drifted to the guy who was going to live with me for a month, to whom I was married. Vansh and I were friends, close ones. He's a gentleman.

Both of us had many things in common from the love of dogs to having separation anxiety be it people or things. He was confident and had a happy-go-lucky personality. He could make anyone smile. Not to mention the times he had raised up my spirits on bad days.

The knock at the door broke me from the thoughts. I was already too comfortable on the bed.

"Come in" Vansh came in, wearing his casual clothes.

"What took you so long?"

"I was just too lazy to open the door" and also too tired to lie and make an excuse.

"Don't you think you should change? You can't sleep in jeans and with all the bangles" I groaned looking at the bangles and jeans, while he just laughed loudly. I was near to hitting him with a pillow.

"I just came to check on you" Maybe I do not want to hit him now. I will spare him this time.

"I was doing just fine before you reminded me about all this," I said and gestured to the bangles and jeans, making him chuckle once again.

"Best of luck and Good night" he left the room, smiling, leaving me in inner turmoil. Would he be feeling the same things as me? Did he have second thoughts? Was he feeling all the weird emotions like me?

How much ever I deny it, it was awkward and weird with him. Both of us were trying to act as nothing changed but actually, it did. Everything changed. We were no longer colleagues or friends but Husband and Wife.

I changed into my nightwear and laid on my bed. Sleep ran away from me, making me toss and turn on the bed for a long time. Maybe the change in sleeping place did trouble a person. 

Hey Potatoes <3

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Ishita :)

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