Day 6 Sorry

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Day 6

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Day 6

The sunlight falling on my face forced me to pull the blanket over my face in order to sleep comfortably in bed without any problem. I sighed blocking the sunlight. But the relief was short-lived. It went away as soon as it came.

The realization hit me square in the face. I was in bed, still in yesterday's clothes. I did not have time to think about how I ended up here. I stood up. More like I yanked myself off the bed and dashed to Vansh's room only to find it empty.

"Vansh" I called but there was no response. The possibility of him being in the bathroom was ruled out. I walked towards the living room and then the kitchen calling his name.

The silence is the only response I got. I was able to smell delicious food from the kitchen. I thought that he must be there, just not responding just because he was angry.

Hope bloomed in my chest. It was almost like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

I entered the kitchen but soon my heart deflated after finding the kitchen empty. On the table, a plate was covering another one with a sticky note on it. I walked to the table and removed it from the plate to read it.

Good Morning Ahaana,

I am going for some important work,

Won't be back soon.

I will come back late at night

Don't wait for me, eat all your meals

I already made you breakfast

-Vansh :)

He went. He went without talking. But could I really blame him?

It was all my fault. But he could have once listened to me. He could have talked to me once. I did not feel hungry anymore, instead, my stomach churned, and felt uneasy. I took the plate and shoved it in the fridge.

I went to my room to check the time. It was at half-past seven. He went really early just to avoid talking to me. I decided to take a bath so that I can think clearly and don't remain dirty.

I stood under the shower to wash away all the negative thoughts.


This morning I was on the bed, while the last thing I remembered was sleeping on this sofa, I was sitting in the living room.

Did he carry me to the bed? Or Was I too sleepy to not remember I walked to the bed?

I hope it was the later one because it would be too embarrassing. I'm not really light. I'm kind of heavy. Apart from this what I found off was his leaving. He left early in the morning. Like really early. He never does that. But at the same time, I do not know him much. Living with someone is different than knowing someone.

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