Day 17 Fever

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Day 17

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Day 17

We use our phones for various things. But most importantly, it was invented for calling each other, or I believe so. We communicate many things through phones. Some bad things, some good things are communicated. You never know what a phone call can result in.

Like once my best friend called me to tell me that she was pregnant. This was a good thing communicated. But when Ahaan called me for daadi ma it was bad news.

The day before, at the bookstore, Vansh got a call, which left him in distress. He did tell me it was his father's call but did not tell me what it was about. I didn't press him. He would tell me when he feels comfortable.

He was all gloomy and even went to his room early, didn't even have a proper dinner. However, before going to his room, while I was doing the dishes, he stood beside me.

"I am going to sleep," he said in a gloomy voice.

"This early? Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked him, hoping we could spend some time together.

"No not today I'm tired" his face literally fell. He looked so sad and exhausted. It broke my heart. I hugged him tightly, trying to make him feel better. He hugged back, burying his face in my shoulder. I felt helpless. so helpless, I could not do anything for him.

The following morning I woke up because someone was spamming my phone with messages. I groaned and got up. Sitting on my bed, I sighed, stretched, and reached out for my phone. Apparently, it wasShreya spamming me for Vansh and mine's pictures.

I examined the photos I had on my phone before just sending them. The photos I send should not contain anything that could be used against me. Going through the pictures, I found one picture which could be used against me.

I was flabstabbered. The picture was taken the day before yesterday when I drank alcohol for the first time and got drunk. I was smiling goofily, looking towards the camera, while Vansh was kissing my cheek.

Good thing I decided to examine the pictures before sending them, or else these girls would have teased me forever. However, I feel weird accepting this, but this photo was really cute.

Mind you, I have never used this word for anyone except my brother, dogs, dadi ma, and some family members. Thank god, this photo was clicked when I was not sober, or else I would have been an absolute red tomato like I am right now.

Other 'drunk me' pictures were pretty amazing. I decided to send them a few pictures before getting up. After I got up. I had this weird feeling in my chest, making my heart beat fast. I decided to check upon Vansh, he's an early riser, so I won't be disturbing him in sleep.

I left my room, tying my hair in a bun. As I entered Vansh's room, he was fast asleep. He was sleeping in a fetal position with his body covered with a thick blanket, only his face was visible.

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