Day 16 Books

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Day 16

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Day 16


I've read so many romance novels, watched movies, and had endless dreams and possibilities. But nothing can compare to this. I probably woke up with the silliest smile on my face which was probably because of yesterday's events.

It was a perfect date. Vansh had put so much effort into making me happy. It was just too good to be true. I could still feel his lips on mine. They were just so soft. The moment his lips met mine, every particle in my body felt alive. So alive. I felt the things I never knew I would feel.

At first, it was slow, letting both of us get familiar after Vansh's one hand cupped my cheek and another cupped my neck. My hands intertwined behind his neck. It turned feverish and demanding one.

After some time, we pulled away for the need to breathe, panting. He rested his forehead on mine. I could feel his breath fanning on my face. The heat and colour increase on my face as the time passes could tell how flustered I was. I must be as red as a tomato.

Not wanting to feel awkwardness I mumbled an excuse and left for my room.

As I entered, I closed the door and stood resting my body on it, trying to catch my breath. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back on the door, trying to make peace with my racing thoughts and preventing myself from overthinking.

That is when Vansh knocked on the door. I took a deep breath before opening the door. When I opened the door, I saw Vansh standing there as flustered as I am and glowing a bit?

"Do you regret it?" he asked, his voice a bit husky and raspy. I was looking everywhere but him. After having enough silence, he raised his hand and cupped my cheek, moving my face to face him.

"Do you regret it?" he asked again, making me look into his eyes and taking a step closer. My knees were wobbly, I couldn't speak but I just shook my head.

That was the second time his lips crashed on mine.

Both of us knew there was something between us. A tension kinda thing but none of us wanted to talk about it. But the day he told me about his feelings, I let my mind lose and discover the feelings or thoughts I had for him. I felt what he was feeling.

It was early in the morning so I decided to get up and make breakfast.

I did my morning chores and when in the kitchen to cook. My hair was really tangled because I move a lot when I sleep. I decided to let them loose from the braid and started cooking.

I made some kanda-poha for us to eat and Tea. By the time I was done, the kitchen was so hot and I was sweating. I decided to cover the food and keep it on the table, to turn the fan on.

I removed my robe because it was a bit wet from sweat and water which fell on it while I was washing utensils. My nightgown was decent. It ended just below my knees. It just had spaghetti straps, with a bit less fabric on the back.

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