Chapter 2 - Allyssa Reynold and Lee Yuna

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I was born as Allyssa Reynold.

19 years ago, Duchess Arianna Helios Reynold gave birth to a pair of twins.

The boy, Gregory Reynold, was the much awaited heir of the house of Duke Reynold.

The girl, who was born ten minutes after her brother, was a very much welcomed addition in the Ducal family who rarely bore daughters.

That girl was me, Allyssa Reynold.

I was raised without lacking anything. I was showered with love, and received the best education and the perfect upbringing possible.

The Ducal House of Reynold is the most important noble family, ranking just below the Royal Imperial Family and the Archduke Edward family, which is considered the royal family rather than aristocrats.

You can say that Duke Reynold household is the most powerful aristocratic family, only rivaled with two other Ducal families that are equally or slightly less powerful then them. The Reynold family was also one of five founding families of the Empire.

Furthermore, my mother, Arianna Helios Reynold is the current Emperor, George Helios the Third's younger half-sister. So, basically my older brother and I are half-royals.

Talk about being born with a golden spoon in my mouth.

But before I was born Allyssa Reynold, I was somebody else.

It was somebody with a different name, a different life and even a completely different world than this world.

I realized it since I was a baby, there was a different memory exists somewhere within me. My underdeveloped infant brain could not process it properly, but when I get older, I was pretty sure that it was the case.

With adult memory in a little girl's body, it was inevitable that I became a bright and smart child.

In short, a genius.

I did well in my study that I even excelled in the advanced subjects that was not supposed to be taught to a child. I even taught my older twin brother myself so he can be as smart as myself.

When I pretty much learnt everything I need to know and my older brother caught up to me, I stopped studying. Nobody can stop me, not even my parents.

At 12 years old, I start doing whatever I want to do without care of anyone around me. I'm finally free.

Of course, everything was premeditated. 

I was given a chance to live a new life. I want to live it up as I like. Being a noble girl was troublesome after all. I did not want to be stuck doing boring things I didn't like, so I might as well mastered everything at early age then live my life however I want.

After all, I am a rich beautiful girl from an influential house who lacks nothing. It was nothing like my previous life where I lacked everything.

Then, at the age of 14, I finally noticed that my current world is actually the world inside a novel that I read in my previous life. I was shocked at first, but only for a while.

So what if this world is the world that exist in a novel?

It did not change the fact that I was given a new life that was hundreds if not thousands times better than my previous life.

My previous life.

The life of Lee Yuna.

To be honest, it was not too bad of a life in the beginning. I would not describe it as a good life either. I got miserable toward the end of that life. And even when I did not ever thought of committing suicide, I remembered the feeling of liberation as I took my last breath.

I, Lee Yuna, was the third child of a factory worker and a housewife. I had two older brother that I was not particularly close with. I was not pretty, but I was not considered ugly either. In school, I was just slightly above average. I had few close friends, but I did not have a best-friend. My childhood and school years was just an average life.

I dated few people in college. I was in love with some of them but it never turned serious. When I graduated from college, I had wanted to further my study, but my family did not have enough money to support me. So I started working as a clerk in an average company. The pay was not much, but I was quite content with my life.

I met the man who would be my husband when I was 24 years old. He was transferred from the main company because he was promoted as a branch manager. He was a 34 year old when I first met him. He was charming, I fell in love fast.

We dated for only six months, then we decided to get married. And when I was dating him he told me that he was just divorced few months before dating me.

My family was not so fond of him. At that time, blinded by love, I did not understand them, and I had a huge fight with my parents.

He was way older than me. And there were rumors that he was divorced because he physically abused his ex-wife and that he had love affairs at his previous workplace. They were well-known rumor but I naively believed it when he said they were not true.

When we got married, he insisted that I quit my job to be a full-time housewife since he convinced me that his salary alone will be enough. Not long after, we transferred to another city very far away from my hometown.

I was happy at first, but after I gave birth to our son a year after we got married, things changed.

I suffered from Post-partum depression. But I had to take care of myself and my son. He was not a supportive husband and father.

We argued a lot.

"Why do you never have time for me and your son?!"

"I did give you money to support you, did I not?!"

"Why do you always come home late??"

"I have to work more to provide for all of us, right?"

"Why do you treat me this way?"

"I'm so tired of you!"

Things got worse as time passed by. I found out that he was having multiple affairs at his workplace. I confronted him. And we kept arguing.

Verbal arguments turned into physical abuse.

At one point, I stopped initiating arguments. But I stayed for few more years in the miserable sexless marriage due to my helplessness. It was because I also had to take care of my son.

I did not contact my family because I was ashamed of myself. I finally understood my family but it was too late for regrets.

That was when I turned to romance novels to relieve my frustrations. The sweet and romantic ones made my heart throb like a maiden in love. The steamy ones filled my imagination and fantasy at night.

Few months before my death, he divorced me so that he can get married to his new lover. He also got the custody over my five years old son since I was unemployed.

I was devastated because I had to be separated with my son. I had to move out from the house. I had to work many part-time jobs. Life was hard. Until I died while I was working, accidentally fell from a 5-story building when I was wiping the glass window.

Then, I was born as Allyssa Reynold.

After going through that, and given a second chance in life, I decided that my life as Allyssa Reynold will be a happy life, the life that I would live how I want it to be.

I will make sure of that.

The miserable Yuna is no more but a memory.

It is the time for Allyssa to shine.

And since this is the world of a novel that Yuna read, I, Allyssa will take advantage of the knowledge from the novel to make the best future for myself!

That what I thought.

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