Chapter 8 - War

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Lucas fastened his pace toward Duke Reynold's office.

His mind was a mess.

What's up with this awful timing?

Just when he was prepared to lead his personal knight squad in the search for clues of Allyssa whereabouts, he received an urgent message from the Maxwell Dukedom.

He was summoned to go back to the dukedom as soon as possible.

An all-out war just broke in the South Kingdom.

That was the content of the letter from his father, Duke Lowell Maxwell. And as the best Knight Army of the Empire, they must aid South Kingdom in the battle.

The South Kingdom's neighboring country, the Pagan Kingdom of Hura, was always hostile with the South Kingdom and the Empire. It was mainly because of the conflicting religions. The Hurans did not worship gods. Instead, it was the land of shamans and witches that worshipped the nature.

Local disputes often occurred at the border of South Kingdom and the Hura for decades. But in the recent decade, small-scale wars occasionally broke up every two or three years. It was said that the Kingdom's Great Shaman prophesied they need to conquer the North for more fertile land and prosperity. Lucas had participated in few of these wars.

But to declare an all-out war... They must've been becoming more impatient.

Lucas was conflicted.

He must go to South Kingdom. But Allyssa... He need to find Allyssa. Allyssa and their babies.

While he was thinking hard, a messenger from Duke Reynold came, asking him to go to the Ducal residence immediately.

And here he was.

In the Duke Reynold's office. Again.

Like yesterday, the duke was sitting at his desk, looking stern as ever. Gregory was already standing in front of him. There was a knight standing beside him. Lucas was familiar with the man.

Noah Goffield.

House Reynold's Knight Captain. That was his official title. But in the shadow, he was the captain of an intelligence bureau directly under the command of the Reynolds, The Night Rose.

House Reynold's Knight army was never known for its strength. They were just an average army, in term of physical strength. But it was feared for its intelligence network that was said to be the best in the continent. Even the Imperial family cannot take them lightly.

The atmosphere between those three was grim.

Lucas was wondering why Duke Reynold called him. It must have been related to Allyssa. But their serious faces made him feel uneasy.

"Maxwell Dukedom's Silver Wolf Brigade's Vice Commander Lucas Maxwell."

Unlike yesterday, when he did not even bother to call Lucas by his name, Duke Fredrick Reynold greeted Lucas by his official title. Lucas' heart jumped a little.

He was usually calm in every situation. And as a swordmaster, he never had anything to fear, much less from this man who obviously has inferior physical strength compared to him. But something about the duke made he feel small. That was how he felt. Maybe it was a natural feeling of a young man in front of the father of the lady he's in love with. The unreasonable fear toward the man that would be his father-in-law. The fear of not meeting his expectations.

"Yes, Your Excellency Duke Fredrick Reynold."

He greeted him in similar manner. Taking a stance of a knight.

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें