Chapter 29.5 (Part 2) Dilemma of a villainess girl (Side Story)

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Now, how did this happened?

I sent a letter to Lucas Maxwell, the future hero, enquiring him when will he be available to discuss the 'cooperation'.

Not even half a day later, our manor was completely under his mercy. He enveloped our whole manor with his sword aura, threatening to destroy everything if someone from our family tells anyone about his sudden visit. He even demonstrated how easily he disintegrated a tablespoon into dust with just his aura-clad bare hand!

Only when everyone present had sworn the unbreakable Sun Goddess Oath that he finally undo his aura.

Scary! This person was really scary!!

Here I was, being alone with him in our reception room. I felt a cold sweat ran down my back.

"I'm sorry for that. I just don't want a useless rumor about me visiting an unmarried noblewoman to reach Allyssa's ears. Even though the reason for visiting isn't anything she should worry about, I still worry, you see. I can't take any more misunderstandings from her."

He flashed a boyish smile as he mentioned Allyssa Reynold's name while nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, looking harmless as a deer. He then carefreely sat on the sofa across me.

What the hell?! It was like the situation before did not exist and the person in front of me was a completely different person.

"So. Beatrice Vallenrose, am I right? I make it short. I want you to seduce Avery Divan. I don't care what methods you use, I'll support you. I'll even persuade the prime minister into considering you as his daughter-in-law candidate. I'll also try my best to stop Allyssa from meeting with Divan from my side."

"Eh?? What?"

"You heard me. Now that is settled, I'll take my leave. If you need anything, contact my aide, Vince Kylus. If you contact me directly, I'll kill you, remember that."

He walked toward the door but stopped halfway. He turned his head at me.

"Oh ya. The untasteful rumors about Lys have gone down. I won't thank you since you were the root of all of it. But I appreciate it. Goodbye."

What the hell?

He just barged in and out of people's house like a storm. What an unrefined noble he was! And he just decided by himself that I will agree with everything he said without hearing my answer.

The old me will definitely shout a big "Yes!" But I do not wish to stand in the ways of the main characters anymore. They were meant to be together. The more I interfere, the closer I get to the bad ending.


I do love Avery.

I still do even after I regained my past memories. In fact, the old me at one point was also in love with the fictional character Avery Divan. He, as well as other fictional characters in my favorite novels and webtoons.

But my love for him isn't worth my future. It isn't worth living my whole life in prison starting at the golden age of twenty.

In addition, Avery was avoiding me. When I visited him at the palace he kept telling me that he was busy. When I went to his house, he pushed me away telling me that he was tired and need to rest.

Well, now that became rational thanks to my past life, I got the rough idea of the reason why.

From the start, he only saw me as a friend, nothing more. I tried my best to be the best friend he can ever have, with the hope that he would eventually realize that I was the one that was always by his side. I was hoping that Avery would come to love me one day.

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now