Chapter 33 - Operation: Red Blaze

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"So that concludes the meeting."

Gregory's voice echoed in the dining hall that is modified into a strategic meeting room.

"If we follow this plan, how long would it take to end his war?"

Supreme Commander Adin snickered as he asked what Gregory thought was a dumb question. It sounded like a direct question, but there was another meaning to it.

We're winning anyway, the war will definitely end whether or not we execute the plan or not. So why bother to follow this plan?

Gregory inwardly sighed as he thought of the real meaning behind the stupid question.

This person did nothing but sit around while Lucas led the South Kingdom's army at the frontline. He acted like a big shot, while the only good thing he did was giving a speech of encouragement to the soldiers at the start of the war.

Well, even if he did lead the army at the frontline, he'd end up being eternally compared with the strongest swordmaster, Lucas. In a way, it was a good choice that he didn't personally join the war to keep his own people's favorability and respect toward him.

But Gregory wished that the old fart just shut up during meetings.

"If we continue doing what we do so far, we'll win regardless. However, considering everything, it'll take approximately six months for the war to be over. The number of the Huran Kingdom's forces cannot be underestimated."

Gregory explained.

"But if this operation is a success, the war will definitely be over within a month, at most."

Everyone in the room gasped and widened their eyes.

"You got to be kidding!"

Sir Adin's mouth was wide open with disbelief.

It was the truth.

Only by the numbers alone, the Huran's army are insusceptible. They will keep on sending troops after troops to attack with the hope that the Alliance forces that were significantly smaller in numbers eventually tired and exhausted from the long-lasting battles.

But, the Huran were totally clueless about the secret reinforcement from the Empire by the name of the Night Rose Brigade.

"Regardless, we have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. So we'll proceed with this plan."

Lucas who was quiet spoke up. Other South Kingdom's squad captains nodded in agreement.

Not only it will save time, but a lot of things can also be saved. People's lives can be saved, resources to fund the war provisions will be significantly lesser. The damage dealt from the war can be reduced. The process to deal with the aftermath and rebuild the cities and villages can be started promptly. More importantly, everyone can go back home and be reunited with their family and loved ones earlier.

Only fools will object to the plan.

The main plan of action of operation: Red Blaze can finally begin.


A girl came out from a tent that was a little secluded from the rest of the army camps near the South Kingdom's army headquarters.

She put on her magic cloak on top of her armor. It felt weird wearing armor, she hasn't got used to it yet. But...

"Make sure you wear the armor. Um, I know you're strong but, I'm still worried."

A certain someone's worried face appeared in her mind.

He's so... cute!

Despite his cool and aloof demeanor, he actually has a cute side.

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now