Chapter 13 - Her strange behavior

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Everyone in the room was quiet.

It was a dining room of an old mansion previously belonged to a baron. But since it was the nearest decent building from the border, it was turned into an army headquarters for almost a decade. A big army camp surrounded it.

There were a total of twelve highest ranking squad commanders and captains in the room. After everything had calmed down and the defense barrier was fixed and reinforced, an emergency strategic meeting was held.

Helios Empire's Night Rose Vice Commander, Gregory Reynold, had just explained them about the current situation.

Suspicious men disguising as bandits who might raid and attack citizens at any moment.

Large-scale magic attacks without prior warnings in the middle of the night.

Who knew they resorted to such a cowardly act!?

Lucas can't accept it.

He was sure everyone else in the room feel the same. But he and everyone in the room have to accept it. The evidence was right in front of his eyes.

Lucas sighed.

Well, they were lucky they get the intel early. Lucas shivered while imagining the worst.

Lucas thought of Allyssa. He really hope nothing bad will happen to his Lys and the babies.


When everyone left the meeting room, Lucas anxiously approached Gregory who was getting ready to leave.

"We haven't received any news of Lyssa."

Gregory said, before Lucas could even ask.

Gregory turned and looked up at Lucas who was half a head taller than him. He had a defeated expression.

"You know, Lucas..."

After being in the warzone for 3 weeks straight, somehow they interact with each other more normally now.

"Let me tell you something... I have this uneasy feeling..."

They are not on friendly terms, but Gregory's animosity toward Lucas had gone down unknowingly. So much that he was willing to share his thoughts.

Lucas waited for him to continue.

"I have an irritating feeling that I've been intentionally lured by Lyssa to come down here."

"What do you mean?"

Gregory ignored his question. He sighed instead.

"Now I think about it, she might never set foot in the South Kingdom at all. Well, maybe she passed through the border between the Empire and South Kingdom. But I think she might not go south like she said."

His twin's intuition was telling him he was right.

"She isn't dumb enough to march straight south, knowing the war is brewing... especially when her body isn't only hers alone anymore... Rather, that cunning brain of hers must've taken advantage of the war to distract us."


Lucas couldn't even argue.

"Because of her, we discovered an important intel about Huran secret plans!"

If the Night Rose wasn't roaming around looking for Allyssa throughout South Kingdom, there would be no way they were able to find out before the enemy actually attacks...

"Do you think it was a coincidence?"

They both didn't think so.

"Five years ago, that brainy girl predicted the Hura Kingdom will use dirty tricks in war."

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now