Chapter 2-August 2012

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Due to me passing out a couple of times on the ambulance ride and the fact that my home isn't safe. I get to stay at the hospital for three days.

Dr. H and the other nurses come back throughout the day to check on me and tell me that I'll be ok to leave in a few days.

I'm too scared to ask them where I'll be going.

I'm the youngest of 4 kids. My brothers are 25 and 22, and my sister's 21; me coming along 7 years later confirms the fact that I was a "surprise." I know I won't be living with them; my oldest brother Seth has a newborn of his own; according to my dad, James hates our dad and hasn't spoken to him or me since he was written off when he turned 18. I don't know where he is now, and my sister Haley is a senior at Penn State; she would probably like to see my Dad fry for what he did to our Mom and her before she ran off.

My brothers and I only share our father as a parent; they were lucky enough to get to go to their mom when shit hit the fan. My sister and I had our mother, her father died when she was little, and she got to go to our grandparents in Michigan when our mom ran off. At 6 years old, I wasn't so lucky. One day I lost my mom, all three of my siblings, and my two loose teeth when my dad punched me in the face for rolling my eyes at him.

Emma has come by from time to time, but I'm scared to ask her what's going to happen. My stepmom told the police about the abuse and confirmed my story and the years of abuse she and I experienced. She packed her things that night and left for California to be with her oldest son.

I hear a knock on the door, and it's Officer Alex Mason, the blue-eyed hero that saved me. He came by that first night to tell me that my dad was in jail and that they're looking at criminal charges, but he doesn't know what will happen next. He also tells me that everything thing will be ok in the end. I don't mention that 3 of my fellow students live in the cul-de-sac with me and will make sure everyone knows I'm gay. He just squeezes my hand and reminds me that the nurses have his card with his cell phone number; I need to call him if anything bad happens.

My room has a nice view of the mountains, like every building in Colorado Springs, so I get to enjoy that at least. I wonder what the hell is about to happen to me.

Growing up in this semi-big conservative town, I learned early that being "normal" is the key to surviving. That's my dad's biggest annoyance with humans that some of them are just not normal. Some of them need a swift kick in the ass. I keep wondering if I'll get sent back home with him, but that seems insane; that doesn't stop the monitors from beeping more when I think about it.

It's afternoon on the third day in the hospital, 5 days until I start high school, When Emma comes in. I have total cabin fever. I just want answers.

"So I have an answer for you about what's going to happen next. I have good news and bad news, and I'll start with the bad," she says quickly and pauses for a reaction, but I just look at her with a blank face. "We were able to find your mother, but she lives in a tiny town in southern Texas and can't afford to take care of you. She wants you to call her when we are done here. I'm really sorry, honey." Again I don't react; I honestly thought she might be dead, but this isn't really a step in the right direction. "Your siblings aren't able to take you in for various reasons, and your grandparents in Michigan have too many health issues." 

It's at this point that I finally speak, "Is there more bad news coming, or can I finally get my hopes up that someone will let me live with them?"

She flinches at the defeat in my voice, "That is the good news; we try to keep children with family members whenever possible. That's why we exhausted that list first. We did find a family that lives in the same area as you. They have two sons, 11 and 12, so you'll have someone to talk to. That's fun right?"

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