Chapter 37-Graduation 2016

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TK is graduating: the group chat: TK stop changing it

Sarah- today's the day!!!!!!!!

Jamie- you did it hot stuff.

Jamie- Trevor says he loves you.

Jamie- he's driving

Josh-Big day for you

Ryan- the best part is we get to watch him give two speeches.

Sarah-why isn't he answering us. Today of all days.

Ryan- a. Are you shocked b. He's probably practicing the speeches.

Jamie- booooooo TK get better at texting

Josh- ok, so it's normal for him to take hours to answer? Thought it was just me.

Sarah- nope from day 1, it's been like this, but we love him anyway. So when are we getting to the arena? 10?

Jamie- works for us

Josh- works for me babe. I'll pick you up.

Ryan- I'll be taking TK so that'll Work. I'm heading over there now. 

Sarah- exciting.

Me- I'm the worst, and I was practicing. So I'll see y'all there.

"Mom!" I shout up the stairs, and I hear her answer from their bedroom, and I head up.

I knock on their door, and I see Dad's getting dressed, and she's probably in the shower now.

Dad looks at me with my speeches in my hands and makes a face, "are you going to ask me to listen to them again?"

"Just one more time. I don't want to sound stupid," I say.

"TK. You've never sounded stupid in your life. So why would you start now," he says.

"Cause I'm nervous, please!!!!" I ask pleadingly.

"Reading them to us isn't going to do anything. We've heard them a dozen times. You just need to get out of your head. Call Ryan," he says and looks at the clock, which reads 915. "When's he getting here?"

"He said he was leaving his house in a second," I say and turn back.

"I'm glad you two are friends again, kiddo, and don't worry about your speeches. You're a natural," he says and starts over on his tie with a groan.

He has never been able to tie on his own, so I turn back and start doing it for him.

He smiles at this exchange, "seems like something the Dad should teach his son. Huh? I've never been able to do it. Your brothers are doomed."

"It's one of the few things my father ever taught me," I say and look him in the eyes. "But my DAD taught me so much more."

He sniffs back and clears his throat, "just like that, you nailed your speech, kid. I am so proud of you. Really, I am."

"Thanks, Dad," I say quietly.

The sound of the doorbell pulls us both out of this moment.

"Go. Tell Ryan he's welcome to come to spend the night if he wants," he says. 

I nod and head to the front door yelling goodbye to Mom, who pokes her head out the bathroom door, and then to my brothers as they play video games.

I get to the door just as he hits the button a second time and pull open the door.

And there he is in all his glory and in person—my boyfriend.

He flashes me a massive smile, "Hey champ. You ready?" he says. 

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