Chapter 40- Labor Day Weekend 2016

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"So.... wait. Where's he going to sleep?" Asks Miles as I walk back in from lunch with Kevin. "Your friend from New York."

I look over at Kevin, who's the only one that knows all about TK and me. "I got an air mattress the other day. It's gonna be PACKED, but it will fun. He's a big football fan."

"He better be. You got him tickets for tomorrow?" He asks as I walk towards my room.

"Yup. My parents won't be coming to any games this season, really, so he's using one of those tickets," I say and then head into my room. Mom wants to come out for Thanksgiving this year, so she'll be at the game that weekend. Dad keeps calling and trying to mend fences, but I've been ignoring him. I'm not ready yet.

I check the time, and TK won't be here for another hour or so, but I miss him and text him anyway.

Me- hey, you're on the plane, but I love you, and I can't wait to see you this weekend

Me- text me when you land.

I toss my phone, pull out my anatomy book, and start working on memorizing the bones in the hand and arm.

This is my first semester as a science major, and hopefully, I will continue to do well like I have in the past. I love TK for a million reasons, but what I love most right now is that he photocopied a version of my book from his library and actually studied the same chapters. So we could practice together. We have a dedicated study session over FaceTime set up for every Sunday. Two hours of us together.

He said that it's the least he can do to help me be a great doctor. When I'm ready to go to medical school, he's going to be able to get in himself with all the information he's learning with me.

I keep looking at the book and keep drifting off to think about TK and how much he means to me... "I wonder if I could get him to marry me now," I think to myself and push thought away. He has four years of school in New York. I have three in Ohio, plus medical school. It'll happen someday, but not today.

My phone buzzes and I realize I lost track of time and bolt up

TK- we just landed :) I love you too.

Me- shit, I was studying. I'm heading out the door now.

TK- don't rush. I have to pee anyway, so I'll take my time.

Me- k sorry baby.

I'm out the door and in the car in under 5 minutes to get my man.

I did this same drive back in March when he visited me, and we weren't back together. I was happy then, but I'm ecstatic now.

When I pull up at the arrivals area, I'm nervous cause I didn't see him anywhere. I know he's traveled by himself before, but I get anxious when he's alone. I hate that about myself, but I want to protect him, and I can't sometimes.

Me- I'm here. I'm at column A3

No response.

"TK. Look at your phone, baby. Now's not the time to forget to respond," I mumble to myself and look around the area. I turn back to my phone to text him again when I hear a loud smack on the window and shout out in fright.

I hear his beautiful laugh through the windows and above the airport sounds. He's really pleased with himself.

I unlock the door, and he climbs in, still smiling. "That's fucked up. You scared me; you know what would happen if I did that you?" I ask in mock anger.

"I'm sorry, but I'm also not sorry at the same time. It's an interesting feeling," he says and leans over to kiss me.

He pulls away after a few seconds, but I shake my head, "no, no. I earned a longer kiss than that." He leans back in, and we make out for about a minute before a car horn honks, telling us to get our asses moving.

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