Chapter 32-New Year's Eve 2015

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"Come on, TK," says Mitchell as he runs his hands down my legs. "I can be quick. You know you wanna."

The problem is I didn't want to have sex with him. Ever since his fuck up at thanksgiving, I haven't wanted to have sex. I just did it so he would calm down. I see I'm my own problem. I know that I'm only making it worse, but he scared me that night and a few times since then.

"I'm not really in the mood right now. Plus, your parents are upstairs," I say as I push him off my neck.

"Come on. TK. They're always upstairs. I'll be quick," he says as he gets up and starts pulling on me. "I shouldn't have to try this hard to get you to have sex with me. It's annoying."

"Well, you can fuck off then," Is what I want to say, but what comes out is, "I know. I'm sorry. Come on."

"Fuck yes," he moans and shoves me towards his room. Ryan pushed me once, and it triggered me, thanks to my father. This triggers me too, but where I pushed back against Ryan the one time It happened. here, I freeze up and go numb.

He doesn't seem to notice my change. He's leading me off to his room, and he pushes me onto the bed and then lands on top of me. This knocks the wind out of me, but he still doesn't stop.

I can't do this anymore. I can't.

"Stop—Mitchell, stop. GET OFF OF ME," I shout and push. "Stop. I don't like this."

"Huh. What don't you like?" He asks, more angry than concerned.

I'm silent.

"TK what?! Quit being a bitch about it," he says and pushes me again.

"This. I don't like this. You're an asshole. Sex with you hurts every time," I say, and I get up to leave.

"The fuck. What does that mean? You like the rough stuff," he says, and he grabs my shoulder so I won't get off the bed, and I yank away.

"No. I fucking don't. I told you that at thanksgiving. I don't like having bruises on my body. I don't like my ass hurting," I snap, and he gets a smug look, "and it's not cause you're that big. So don't get cocky." That Knocked the smile off his face.

"Fuck you, man. You kept coming back, so you must have liked it," he says.

"I liked you, Mitchell. We didn't want anything serious, and now that's over. Go fuck someone else and go as hard as you want. Maybe you should've been doing that the whole time," I say, and he gives me a weird look. "Unless you were fucking other guys this whole time?"

He shrugs, "we weren't exclusive. It just happened a couple of times. They let me go in without a condom too. It's more fun."

"Welp. This just got a lot easier for us both then," I say and stand up and leave his room without another word.

When I get upstairs, I see his mom making dinner, "hey, TK are you leaving?"

"I am. Sorry, I can't stay for dinner. I'm going to a party with the hockey team," I say.

"Well, it's that kind of night. Be safe. We'll just see you another time," she says with a smile, and I just nod and pull my jacket on, and head to my car.

Before I drive off, I send a long-overdue text message.

Sarah, Jamie, Trevor

Me- I just broke up with Mitchell.

Trevor- did he try something again? Can I kick his ass now?

Me- he did, but no, you can't.

Jamie- you're too nice for the world TK

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