Chapter 36-Prom 2016

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"Dude. I really don't think we should be down on this end of town. It's super sketchy," moans Davis as we pull up in front of the auto shop.

In the months since his apology on my front steps, Davis has actually turned out to be a good friend. Nothing like Trevor or even Brandon in terms of level, but he's a good guy to have around.

"Davis! It's fine. I know this guy....kind of. Just wait here. I'll be right back, ok," I say, and I hop out before he has a chance to protest more.

Davis grew up on the north side of town, so anything on this end will frighten him to his core. I'm not thrilled to be here, but I know it's not dangerous to walk into a business.

I hear the door chime as I push inside and see your basic waiting area for a mechanic: chairs, coffee, bad tv.

The lady at the desk smiles at me as she asks, "how can I help you, sweetie?" 

It's now or never, TK. "I'm looking for James? I was told he works here."

"James? Umm. One second, and who may I ask are you?" She says in a professional voice.

"I'm Tyler," I say and leave off the fact that I'm his brother. I don't want to scare him away.

When my Mom ran away, James called his mom up, and he and our oldest brother Seth got to go live with her. It's the same time my sister got out and moved in with my grandparents in Michigan. Seth and our Dad tolerated each other until he was 19 and moved to Montana and dropped off the face of the earth. James followed suit when he was able; out of the three of them James's the one that took the most hits for me. I remember those nights when I was little, and even through it all, he would hug me.

I remember his 18th birthday, I was about 9 then, and he was supposed to come over but never showed. Dad called their mom, and the phone was disconnected. Seth's cell was disconnected. They were both just gone. At that point, I was mostly just trying to survive my father, so I was a little jealous, and I missed them both. In the 9 years since Seth and I got back in touch via Instagram, and I learned that he and James stopped talking too.

All three of my siblings went their separate ways to try and get past the trauma. My therapist said that's a normal reaction. You're worried that one of you could fall under the abusers' spell again, and then you're all at risk.

I look up and see him talking to the lady, and she points at me. He doesn't seem to recognize me. I'm not 9 anymore; I'm wearing glasses now. Plus, hockey season and my lack of Ryan have led me to work out almost every day.

He walks into the waiting room, and as he gets closer, I realize we have the same eyes, not just the color, which I call mud, but Ryan says is a mix of brown, gold and green. We have the same eye shape and nose.

It's at this moment he recognizes me and just mutters, "fuck, it is you. I really thought he'd killed you, little man," and he pulls me into a hug.

The bell rings again, and I see Davis walking in, "sorry, it's hot out here. Oh, hey."

James pulls back and looks at his coworker, and gestures for me to go out in the mechanics bay.

I turn to Davis, "I'll be quick. I promise."

"Ok. I still need to get the flowers," he says, and I nod.

James starts working on a Car, and I just stand next to him watching; he has the James thinking face on. Also, known as the TK thinking face or the Seth thinking face. The joys of all of us looking like our Italian Dad.

"How'd you find me. I'm happy you did, but I honestly never thought I'd see you again," he says after a minute.

He's worried about Dad. I know it. "I have a friend who's a cop. It's not Dad. Don't worry. He looked you up and found your work address and stuff."

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