Chapter 23-Graduation 2015

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Super Best Friends Chat

Jamie- Oh my god, this is taking forever, and I'm not near any of you

Sarah- Ditto, I am so bored.

Trevor- At least you got an award for being smart or good at stuff. I've just been sitting here.

TK- I'm sorry, Trevor. Are you BORED???? It's not like I didn't have to sit here through TWO OF THESE!!!!!!!

Jamie- oof, ok, we should complain in the OTHER best friend chat.

TK- you do that. 

Ryan- OH BURN.

I hear TK chuckle at my text, and I look over at him.

"I'm sorry you have to sit through two of these, baby," I whisper.

"it's ok. You were worth it," he says with a grin, and just like that, something crosses his face, and it's gone. 

It's been happening more and more as this day got closer. 

I lean over to him and make sure my family can't hear us, "don't think about it. today is just one of many days we get together this summer."

I can see his lips trembling as he nods his head, and I want nothing more than to hold his hand.

The last almost three years have been magical for us. For him and for me for wildly different reasons.

He was taken from his abusive Dad and adopted by his new family. Top of his class, beloved by most (homophobes need not apply), next year he's class President, Captain of the Soccer and Hockey teams.  His life is worlds better. Plus, he has me.

I got to find someone who I genuinely love and connect with, something I wasn't really expecting when I developed my crush all those years ago.

At least until August 1. That's the day I drive out to Ohio to become a Buckeye Football player. It's not the school of my dreams, but they gave me a scholarship, and it's close enough for my brother and me to meet in the middle from time to time. I'll miss my sister, but I'm excited to see Josh more often.

I look around at my family, all of whom have sat through two graduations today with TK. my grandparents like him; he, Josh, and Katie played games together on their phones during my graduation. Mom thinks the world of him, and she loves talking to him about his life; she can't turn the therapist part of her brain off sometimes. I'm happy she knows about us, the true story. Mom, Josh, Katie, Aunt Melissa, and Jamie the only family members that know I'm gay, well Bi, but gay for TK. 

I hear my Dad clear his throat like he does when he sees something annoying outside of his control, and I know it was caused by TK and I being too close.

The best thing that happened to my family was when he and my mom got divorced. Me telling my parents about TK and my Dad's reaction was just a step too far for my mom. I don't see him often, and that's usually too much for me.

"TK. What are you thinking? Tell me, please," I say in a pleading voice.

He shakes his head and whispers, "not here. not now."

I just nod and turn back to the graduation and listen to yet another speech about their future and my future and TK's future and stuff and stuff and stuff.

I am about to fall asleep for sure. 

Thankfully I don't.

TK looks adorable in his favorite shirt and shorts combo, always cargo shorts for some reason.

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