Chpater 31-Christmas 2015

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Josh-Sarah says TK just went for a run. You should be in the clear.

Me- ok, I'll head over.

Josh- I think you're a baby about it all personally.

Me- didn't ask but thanks.

Josh- whatever. Come over to Sarah's when you're done. We can chill before we need to leave.

Me- kk.

He's right. I am avoiding him, but I don't care. I grab the car keys and the gift for TK before shouting to Mom that I'm going to get Josh.

No response. I shrug and head to the car.

I don't miss this car. I had to leave mine in Ohio for winter break because of the traveling I have to do. Thankfully, Josh and Sarah drove out from Notre dame together, so I get to borrow his while I'm here.

I make the drive to TK's house without even thinking.

It's one of those drives that you've done a million times that you just blink and you're there, and you suddenly worry if you ran a stop sign or something. I read about that happening to people on their drives to work; a slight change in the traffic lights or a new stop sign can throw people off.

It's warm today. Good for running. I miss Colorado sometimes, but I don't miss the weather. It's 55 degrees today, and tomorrow it's going to be 20; people in Ohio complain about snow and stuff, but at least it snows consistently.

"Oh, but you can ski." "Oh, you have mountains." "Oh, I'd love a white Christmas." It's all heard the last few weeks from Rachel; she's from Miami. So this was her first winter with actual weather. I taught her how to throw snowballs and took her sledding, but the whole time she was complaining about the cold. I had to explain to her that Colorado wasn't Florida; the ski towns are hours away. The mountains are pretty, but that's it, and I can't remember the last time it snowed on Christmas. She didn't care. She thought it would be pretty and begged me to let her come visit. I said no. That was a big step for me, seeing as we only just decided to date date and not just hook up the Sunday after thanksgiving. She seemed to understand but was a little jealous I would be away from her.....while she is in Florida, probably hooking up with her ex.

I know I'm not going to run into TK today. When he can run during the day, he likes to go for 6 miles, he's fit and still in shape from what I gathered via Jamie last time we talked, but he isn't the fastest distance runner. He kind of just runs so he can think. He calls it TK time.

I grab the bag and head up the stairs to his front door. That's when my luck runs out, and it opens to reveal his Dad standing there with a bag of trash.

"Hey, Mr. Johnson," I say in my happiest non-awkward voice.

"Hello, Ryan," he says back, and I honestly think the world got 40 degrees colder. I actually shiver. He steps around me and doesn't say anything else to me. If this is a planned power play, it's working cause I'm freaking out right now.

"TK isn't here. He went for a run," he says when he comes back empty-handed.

"That's ok. I..... I got him a present when I moved to Ohio, and I didn't want to return it cause it was for him," I say, and I hold up the bag.

"But didn't want to be here when he opened it?" He asks.

I nod.

"Can I ask what it is? Cause if it's just going to hurt him more, I'd rather just throw it away and save the tears," he says. Oof, Dan coming in hard.

"It won't hurt him. I didn't mean to hurt him, Mr. Johnson," I say and look him straight in the eyes.

"I know you didn't, Kiddo, but you still did. You destroyed my son, and We had a deal. You said you wouldn't hurt him," he says coldly and looks at his watch with a strange smile. "TK only did a 3-mile run today, so he should be here in about two minutes if he is on pace." He laughs at my face. " one way or another, you two need to SEE each other and talk. Don't be mad that I stalled for time, and look, there he is."

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