Chapter 29-Halloween 2015

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I know someone's in my room before I open my eyes, and then they flip on the overhead light.

"ugh,'s soooooo early," I groan out.

"it's also your birthday, sweetheart," says Mom in a sweet voice.

"you're 18 now, kiddo," says Dad.

"ugh, is that still a thing? Am I going to see a bunch of other people in my room when I open my eyes," I say.

"you might be surprised," says Trevor.

I shoot right up. "you're here. you came?"

"hell yes, we came down. It's Halloween, and it's your Birthday, TK!!!!" shouts Jamie. "Now put a shirt on. although your abs look HOT!!!!!!!"

Mom pushes them out of the room for me to get some clothes on, "meet us upstairs," and she leaves with them.

I stretch out and look at my phone.

Sarah-Happy Birthday, TK!!! You're an adult now.

Josh- Happy Birthday, little man. I hope you have fun today.

Brandon- Happy Birthday, dude. You ready for some fun tonight.

Davis- HBD, don't get drunk

Mitchell- Happy Birthday :) Can't wait to see you.

Me- thanks. You'll get to meet Jamie and Trevor tonight :)

Mitchell- Sweet. Can't wait. You're staying with me tonight, right?

Me- I am

Mitchell- Great cause I have a nice present for you


Mitchell- Yes, sir. I can't wait.

"TK PUT A SHIRT ON AND COME EAT PANCAKES!!!" shouts Jamie from the stairs.

"FINE!!!!!!" I say and pull on a bro tank.

When I get upstairs, they're already digging into my birthday breakfast. Trevor and Jamie are talking about Boulder and how much they love the school.

Trevor shovels pancake in this mouth and barely chews, "TK. Dude, you need to come visit us. You'd love it up there. Plus, I only have a few games left, so we can hang out ALL WEEKEND. Dan, let him come up, PLEASE!"

"I think we can manage that some weekend soon. It's good to see you both," says Dad and drops some pancakes on my plate with a smile. "TK, is Mitch hanging out with you guys tonight?"

I nod, and Jamie cheers, "yes!!!! We get to meet the new boyfriend, finally. He won't even let us facetime with them."

I lean over and whisper, "he isn't my boyfriend. I'm not doing boyfriends for a LONG TIME."

"TK's all about fuck buddies, baby," says Trevor.

Jamie gives me a weird look but doesn't say anything.

"Present time," shouts Trevor, and Dad agrees.

I make out like a king on my 18th Birthday today. My parents got me a new Colorado Avalanche jersey and PRIME seats to the next game for the 5 of us.

Conner and Eric went in on a special edition of Pride and Prejudice with a fancy hardcover.

Trevor and Jamie swooped in with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for a good laugh. It'll go great with Sense and Sensibility  and Sea Monsters that Alex gave me the night before.

We spend the rest of the morning laughing and talking. I have really missed them, even if Jamie is always loud.

The joy of my Birthday being on Halloween is that there's always a party to go to. The downside is there's always a party to go to, and I seldom have a say in the plan. This year the party of the year will be at Davis Knight's house, my one-time nemesis turned......friend? We talk every day, but it's never anything deeper than "what's up, man." The text this morning is actually only just the first in that chain, really.

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