Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

After Draco and I left the library we walked slowly to the Great Hall. Thankfully everyone was already inside so no one saw us together. Not that I'm embarrassed to be seen with him or anything. Its just that it would raise a lot of questions seeing Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy all 'buddy buddy'. I really don't want to bother with all that right now.

Although, I don't think people seeing us together would have been half as bad as what actually happened.

As soon as I reached the Gryffindor table people swarmed me like hyenas, pouncing on their prey. All cackling about how I have a secret girlfriend. {if only they knew} After a while of me not answering any of their questions, a few people started to give up and go back to their seats. However most did not leave me alone so Hermione, Ron, Neville and Seamus shooed them away. Telling them all to 'leave the poor boy alone. He's in love'.

I swear sometimes I wish I had different friends.

And yes, even Neville helped getting those gossip seeking animals away from me. He's become a lot more confident after the battle at Hogwarts.

Once everyone was sitting in their seats Hermione and Ron came over, both with grins on their faces. "Don't" I said looking down at my plate.

"We didn't say anything" Ron defended quickly while stifling a laugh. I know he really wants to make fun of me and the situation I'm in right now, but I also know he won't mention anything about Draco in front of all these people.

"No, but I know what you were thinking" I said glaring at him. I only looked at him for a second before my eyes floated to a pale snowy blonde at the Slytherin table.

I saw a girl with long blonde curly hair trying to flirt with Draco. I don't consider myself the jealous type, but seeing someone being all over him the way she was makes me a little uncomfortable. After about a second Draco said something to her that I couldn't hear, but by the look of anger on her face and the way she stomped away I'm guessing it wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear.

Draco rolled his eyes, clearly not pleased by her inelegant choice of exit. Now I must admit that seeing him turn that girl down made me a little happy. Does that make me a terrible person?

Well if it does I don't care.

As I'm staring at Draco in probably the creepiest way ever, he looks at me. Out of reflex I wanted to look away, but gazing in those hypnotic grey eyes I couldn't bring myself to actually do it. We both give a gentle smile and then go back to the conversations at our tables.

As soon as I tuned into the conversation happening between Dean and Seamus, I immediately regretted my decision. They were going back and forth saying names of girls they think is my 'mystery girl'. As they put it. They were saying names from every house except Slytherin. Yeah because, and I quote, "there was no way in hell Harry fancied a Slytherin"

{wow their in for a shock} I mentally rolled my eyes at the impossibility of a Gryffindor and Slytherin dating, or whatever Draco and I are. I can feel eyes on me, so I scan around the room and sure enough, everyone was talking about me and a nonexistent girl.

I glance over at Draco again to see if he's just as uncomfortable with the conversations happening as I am. From the unpleasant, almost irritated, look on his face I would say he is even more uncomfortable then me, if that's even possible.

"Harry!" I quickly turn my head over to the voice that was calling my name. It was Dean

"What?" I asked and by the look on his face, I can tell he's been trying to get my attention for a while. I guess I was a little to focused on the rumors flying around to notice.

"I asked if your mystery girl was Ginny" he said while wiggling his eyebrows at me and immediately I was done with this discussion. I turned back to my plate not wanting to answer him, but Ron decided he would do that for me.

"Bloody hell! Of course not! And anyways Harry likes blondes" he says while giving me an evil grin.

I'm going to kill him.

As soon as those words left his mouth the table irrupted. Within the three seconds I was glaring at Ron the new hint to who I'm with spread like wild fire. I looked around the room again to see everyone staring, giggling, and a few pouting faces from girls that I'm guessing liked me. {I guess they don't remember the fact that the person I like gave me hickeys. Well that or they just don't care}

I look over to Draco only to see a smug smile on his face. I guess he heard too. News really does travel fast at Hogwarts. He takes a bite out of a green apple, then licks his lips after he gets a piece into his mouth. The moment his tongue touch his lips my eyes darted to them, following every movement they made. When he swallowed my eyes watched as his Adams apple bobbed up and down. After he was done swallowing his food he bit his lip in the most seductive way possible, slowly letting it go. I took in a deep breath and swallowed thickly. His lips started to pull up into a sexy smirk. I looked up to his eyes and knew I had been caught red handed.

In a flash my eyes where back on my plate and a rosy blush crept up my checks. I just know he's going to tease me later about this. I can feel his eyes still on me so to distract myself I turned to face my friends, in hopes that they will save me from even more embarrassment. Although all I saw was Ron stuffing his face with Sticky Toffee Pudding and Hermione telling him to slow down or he was going to choke. {yeah, like that's ever stopped him before}

I let out a small chuckle which got their attention. They both faced me and Ron quickly swallowed the mouthful of pudding before he spoke. "Harry do you want to play chess after dinner?"

"Normal chess or wizards chess?" I ask with a grin on my face knowing exactly what he's about to say.

"Wizards chess of course! Normal chess is boring" he replied while eating another spoonful of pudding.

"I still think wizards chess is barbaric" says Hermione in a 'matter of fact' tone. Actually it was her normal tone of voice. She really didn't have another one.

"We know. You've only told us every single time we play sense first year" said Ron while rolling his eyes.

We all laugh and joke for the rest of dinner, only talking about my 'secret girlfriend' twice. Each time I just told everyone listening to leave it alone. Which they did thankfully.

After dinner was over and everyone was leaving I knew I couldn't go see Draco because everyone was watching me like a hawk. And of course I said I'd play chess with Ron, so we all headed back to Gryffindor common room.

So sorry I haven't updated in so long but hopefully I will start releasing a chapter every few days or more. And of course please give me any suggestions for future chapters and thank you for spelling corrections.


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