Chapter 3

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Double update today. I couldn't make you wait 😉

He had his long hair pushed slightly to the side and back. so that his scare was on full display. He was wearing black pants, shoes and vest with a nice white shirt and white bow tie. He also had on long black dress robes and his signature round glasses that fit his face perfectly.

I could tell that Pansy was trying to get my attention but I didn't care at the moment

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I could tell that Pansy was trying to get my attention but I didn't care at the moment. All I saw was him and his goofy smile. My heart sped up to the point I thought I was going to have a heart attack. He started to dance with his date and it made me so angry that I wasn't the one dancing with him. That's when it hit me...... I want to dance with Harry Potter. I want to be his date and I was jealous of the girl he was with.

[Back To Present]

Yup that's how I realized I wanted Potter. That I actually liked him, not hated. Then I started to realize that I might have liked him all along. I mean come on I climbed a tree third year just to get his attention. No one does that for someone they hate. Pathetic I know.

The week that followed the ball I avoided Potter like he was the plague. I thought that maybe that way my feelings would go away. Not that I didn't know I was gay at that point. No I figured that out in third year when I got a crush on this muggle singer. Don't judge me. No I just didn't want to be into Potter. I mean everyone fancied him. I didn't want to be one of them. After about a week and a half of not seeing him I thought I was fine, but then I saw him practicing for a quidditch game. He was hot, sweaty and I swear everything was going in slow motion. I think it's safe to say I lost it and ran to my room, very quickly getting into a cold shower. Obviously not over my crush.

So I decided to just keep it a secret and act the same way I had before I figured it out. Also I had run out of excuses to miss class, so I would have to see him.

Anyways now I'm in seventh year. My friends know I'm gay and also that I like Potter. Pansy had watched me watch him all night at the ball and put two an two together. Blaise had over heard us talking about him one time and did not hesitate to tease me about it. So yeah that was embarrassing. Crabbe and Goyle weren't picking up any of the hints, so I just told them.

Now I'm with Pansy and Blaise walking to class when I bump into someone. I was about to just glare and walk away, but then I heard the one persons voice that always seems to make my heart go crazy.

"Oh I'm so sor-" he begins to say sorry but stops when he sees me. His face changes from apologetic to annoyed so fast it kinda hurt. I guess that's my fault though.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I say with a smirk on my face. I take the opportunity to look him up and down, which he doesn't notice thank Merlin. He looks a little disheveled with papers and books in his hands, his robes coming off his shoulder. I really wanted to help fix it but I knew that would be weird. I was about to say something else but then I heard that annoying little dog of his.

{you have got to be kidding me. All I want is a moment with Potter. Is that to much to ask for?}

I wanted to talk to him even if it was arguing at least he was talking to me. But I have to admit it's really fun to mess with the little Weasel.

The conversation or more like argument as I should say, goes on. Weasley even mentioned the whole ferret incident {DO PEOPLE STILL REMEMBER THAT?!} this was until Potter starts to walk away. I got really nervous because he hadn't said anything like he normally would. I was a bit worried that something had happened or if something was wrong. So I decided to test and see by shouting a couple more things as he walked away. Nothing to bad just enough to hopefully rile him up, but not once did he look back. Weasley turned around a few times but he wasn't the one who's attention I wanted.

"What was that?" Said Blaise still looking at their backs as they walked away.

"What?" I asked turning towards him.

"He completely ignored you. He never does that" Pansy said with a shocked face like she can't believe what she had just seen.

"I know, that was weird" Blaise said back, finally looking at Pansy. I looked at both of them and maybe I had a worried look on my face because Pansy put her hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be fine maybe he was just worried about being late or something" she says. I just nod my head. I look at Blaise and he has a stupid amused look on his face that made me want to slap it off.

"Shut up Zabini" I say with a snarl. He puts his hands up in defense but was still chuckling slightly. We started walking to class but I looked back one last time when I heard his adorable laugh. Only to see him still walking off in the other direction, not once looking at me.

I turn back and feel my heart sink a little more in my chest. I need to get over this crush. He doesn't like me, he doesn't think I'm attractive, and most importantly, he's not gay. I'm just reaching for a star to far away.

We all keep walking to class and I couldn't help but think of Potter the whole time and why he didn't say anything.

Thanks for reading next chapter will be out soon. Hope you liked this one and please tell me what you think or what you want to see in the story. XOXO BYEEEEEE 😘

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