⚠️Chapter 20 ⚠️

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ its a little steamy in this chapter.

Harry's POV

After a few hours of chess and a lot of laughs, everyone was off to bed. In spite of the fact that I was so tired from practice, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I guess that nap in the library really gave me energy. I spent probably an hour tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep, but nothing.

I turned to the left side of my bed and gaze out the window. The moon was almost full, shining a bright silvery white. It was a perfect contrast to the dark black of the night sky. Looking at it reminded me of Draco's hair, how beautiful and prefect it was. The way it captivated your attention, making it the first thing you see. Images of Draco's white hair and gorgeous smile flooded my head, sending me back to the moment in the Great Hall a few hours ago. The way he licked his lips and bit into the bottom one, while staring my way made me go mad.

I suddenly felt knots in my stomach and a heat between my legs. I knew I had to stop thinking about Draco before I got a hard-on, but I couldn't stop the thoughts of what Draco may do to me in the future. Or more specifically the things I wish he was doing to me right now.

I know there is no way I'm going to be able to ignore my raging boner, but I can't just jerk off in the boys dorms... can I?

I sit up slow and quietly as to not make my bed squeak from the old springs inside the mattress. I take a peek around the room to see if anyone was still up maybe reading or something. Luckily everyone was out cold. Even so, I'm not willing to risk anything. I quietly close the scarlet curtains that surround my bed and cast a silencing charm around it. This way no one can see or hear me even, if they wake up.

Over the years I've learned to just take a cold shower or wait for my hard-on to go away on its own, but I don't think it's going to this time. I lay back down and push the blankets on top of me from my chest to my thighs. I remove my pajama bottoms and underwear, releasing my hard member from the tight confinement.

As soon as the chilly night air touched my member, a pleasurable shiver ran through my entire body. I began to think about how Draco's hands would slowly, teasingly run up and down my body, matching my own hands to the image to make the experience even better.

I thought of how he would kiss my lips slow and sensual at first, but then become fast and rough. I imagined him kissing down my jaw to my neck and creating even more hickeys just to show everyone I was his. I didn't even try to hold back my moans as I slowly moved my hand down my chest inch by inch.

I bite into my lip as I softly brush my fingers down my shaft. I take myself in a firm grasp and give one slow, teasing stroke from tip to base. I start to speed up, creating a rhythm, while my other hand switches from rubbing my chest and grabbing the sheets.

I continue to do that for a few minutes until I start to feel that wonderful heat pool in the pit of my stomach, telling me I'm about to cum.

With a load, breathy moan I came all over my hand and chest. I sit still for a moment, breathing heavily, basking in the after effects of my orgasm. About a minute passes before I decide to clean up and disable the silencing charm. As soon as I was finished, I felt completely exhausted and quickly fell asleep.

[Next Morning]

Draco's POV

I was laying in a field filled with beautiful flowers, looking up at the night sky. The stars glistened like diamonds, perfectly spaced so it was neither to much nor to little, but the only thing I could focus on was the body laying right beside me.

I turned over onto my side and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He giggled and turned his head to the right just enough for him to be able to see me. He flashed his famous smile, that he knows I melt at the sight of every single time.

"What was that for?" Harry asks, his voice no more then a whisper. I softly place my right hand on his cheek while gazing into his breathtaking forest green eyes.

"Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?" I ask in the same tone as his. Harry blushes a gorgeous shade of pink and shakes his head no. I give him a warm smile and kiss him again. This time a little harder.

He moans into the kiss and places his hands on my shoulders, pushing me on my back while he climbs on top of me. He puts his legs on either side of my hips, so he's straddling me. I grab his hips and move them so they are grinding into me.


I suddenly hear a familiar voice calling me.


More like yelling at me.

Suddenly Harry begins to fade and I'm being shaken awake. I groan in response to the voice who turns out to be Blaise yelling my name at the top of his lungs. "Shut the fuck up already" I say in a raspy voice.

"I have risen the dead! Bow before the great and all powerful Blaise Zabini!" He says loudly while throwing his arms in the air like he was summoning something.

"Blaise if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to kill you" I say angrily while sitting up so I could glare at him.

"I warned you about waking him" said Goyle as he was putting on his jacket, chuckling.

"Well someone had to and your to scared to do it" Blaise said grinning. I glanced around the room noticing that we are the only ones in the dorm.

Blaise and Goyle continue to talk while I slowly get out of bed. I was having the best dream and I really wanted to continue it. Harry was my boyfriend and from the looks of it things were about to get good. Then I realized I can make it come true and all I needed to do is find Harry.

Wait, is Harry even my boyfriend? I mean we admitted our feelings for one another, but we never made it official, so are we even together? I'm gonna have to ask him.

"Draco?!" Blaise called in a loud voice while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I ask a little irritated he was interrupting my train of thought.

"I said Pansy wants to show us something and is waiting in the common room, so hurry up and get dressed. I don't want to hear her nagging about how long it took us to get ready" he states and walks off to put on some shoes.

I start getting dressed by putting on dark grey cotton pants and a white long sleeve shirt. Then I decided to throw on a black sweater because it's still a little cold out and a black leather belt. I pull on my shinny black shoes, my snake ring and quickly style my hair. Very basic but still classy.

When I'm done Blaise and I walk out of the boys dorm to meet Pansy and soon we are off to see whatever it is she wants us to see. I just hope she doesn't take to long. I have to talk to a certain Gryffindor about being in a relationship or not. {That's going to be fun and not awkward at all}

Anyone else a fan of sarcasm? 😂 I changed the cover because I thought the new one was a little more attention grabbing, so I'm sorry if you don't like it. But your going to have to deal.


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