Chapter 9

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Don't have much to say so let's get started.

Harry's POV

I woke up to the sound of groaning. I turn over and open my eyes just enough to see Ron clutching his head, rolling around in pain on his bed. I chuckle slightly but my smile leaves as soon as it came. A huge pulsating pain shot threw my head right above my eyebrow. I turn back over and buried my face in my pillow to block out the sun. Luckily for us we don't have class today because we would definitely get smacked on the back of the head by professor Snape for not paying attention.

I hear a light knock on the door which leads to both Ron and I groaning in response. It was a very light knock but it was still to loud. The door opens slowly and in walks Hermione. She's the only girl aloud to be in the boys dorm. Again because we are 'famous' or whatever. She walks closer to Ron and puts some medicine on his bedside table before coming over to me doing the same. I turn back over and take it, trying not the think about the taste.

"How are you both feeling?" She asks in a hush tone with a smile, to which we both mumbled a low 'kill me' and 'I'm hurting'. I being the second one. Ron's a little more dramatic then me. Hermione giggles a little and I just know she's loving this. Not the part about us being in pain but the part were we hopefully learn our lesson.

"I feel like death" says Ron finally letting go of his head to reveal his messy and unkept red hair. He really doesn't look good. Maybe we should watch him the next time we go out.

I slowly sit up and squint my eyes to try an block out the sun streaming in through the Lonestar red curtains with shining gold fringe at the ends. "Who's grand idea was it to go drinking again?" I asked in a gruff voice.

I finally get my eyes open and look over to see Hermione trying to get Ron up. "No one said you two had to drink as much as you did" Hermione answers back pulling the covers off of a VERY annoyed Ron. I give a light chuckle in return while rubbing my head and yawning. I look over to the clock on my nightstand and see that it is almost 1pm already.

Author-I live in CA so I have no clue what the time in London is like and I'm to lazy to look it up sooo I'm sorry if its wrong.

"Shit! Is that really the time?" I ask a little astounded that I slept so late.

"Yes you two slept all day" Hermione says and Ron takes the opportunity to grab back the covers, wrapping himself in them before flopping back on his bed.

"RONALD WEASLEY!! GET YOUR ARSE UP!!" Hermione yells making both Ron and I groan and whine. I quickly get out of bed and help get Ron out of his because I DO NOT want to hear a yelling Hermione with this headache.

Me and Hermione finally get Ron up after about half an hour of playing tug of war with the blankets. After I'm sure he won't go back to bed I get clean cloths and clumsily walk to the bathroom.

Author-am I the only one who would say tug a war? 😂

{I think I may be a little drunk still} After I get inside, I put my clothes on the counter and turn the shower on. I take off my clothes from yesterday while waiting for the water to heat up. Once I'm sure the water is warm enough I get in. I grab my oak scented body wash and clean to dirt an sweat that has been on me sense yesterday.

Once I'm done washing up and brushing my teeth. I grab my towel that was already in the bathroom and get out. I put on deodorant and then get dressed. Today I decided to wear black straight leg jeans and a dark grey t-shirt. I rub a towel over my head to dry my hair just a little. Then I put a little bit of product in it to hopefully help with its unruliness. Which I know its not going to work, but hey, might as well give it a shot right? I throw on a red and black flannel and a brown jacket over it sense it's going to be a bit cold today.

I walk out the bathroom to see Hermione trying to put a sweater on Ron but failing miserably. "Come on Ron. You have to put your clothes on" she says threw gritted teeth obviously getting irritated.

"Nooooo" Ron whines. I let out a big sigh and walk over to help Hermione. Sometimes Ron is such a big baby. When we finally get him dressed we are both breathing heavily. Who knew Ron weighed so damn much? Or would fight back that hard. I mean it was just a damn sweater!

Ron reluctantly got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Which he badly needed to do. "Feeling any better Harry?" Hermione asks me while sitting on Ron's bed.

"Yeah thank you" I reply thankful that the medication she gave me is finally starting to kick in. I'm lucky she had come when she did. This headache could have been a lot worse.

"No problem....have you thought about everything?" She asks carefully almost like she was afraid to bring it up.

"I don't know what you mean" she gave me the 'really' face and I immediately looked away.

"Harry" she said in a warning tone. I knew I had a blush on my face because I could feel my checks warm up.

"There's nothing to think about okay? What happened, happened. And I may think he's cute but that it okay? I don't fancy him and let's not forget he's a git and oh yeah we hate each other" I say emphasizing the 'oh yeah' part. Just at that moment Ron exits the bathroom and looks between us strangely.

"What are you two talking about?" He asks with his eyebrows furrowed together. Me and Hermione look at each other, then back at Ron. We both say nothing and quickly change the subject.

Once Ron was feeling better we decided to practice for a quidditch game that was coming up. We got old clothes that we didn't mind dirtying to change in and left Gryffindor tower, heading to the field. Once we got there we went to change in the Gryffindor locker room. When we got on the field we instantly took off on our brooms.

We were about, maybe an hour or two into practice when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw probably the last person I would ever expect.

Blaise Zabini.

What's going to happen next? Stay tune to find out. XOXO BYEEE 😘

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