Chapter 4

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Hiii thanks for reading another chapter I had some free time so I decided to update. Hope you enjoy 😊

Harry's POV

As me and Ron walk in class Neville came up to us practically hyperventilating. "" he said in between breathes. I'm kind of worried he is going to faint.

"Neville. breathe. Whats the matter?" I ask while indicating for him to calm down with my hands. He takes a few deep breathes then starts talking.

"You have to get out of here" he says with a serious face which makes me furl my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What why?" I ask then look over to Ron to see if he knew but he is making the same face as me.

"Yeah why do we have to leave?" Ron asks looking at Neville.

"Not you Ron. Your with Hermione. Harry has to leave" Neville says gesturing to me.

"Why" me and Ron say at the same time. "And what does Hermione have to do with it?" Ron asks in an irritated and protective tone.

"No girl in her right mind will go after you while your with her. Her spells are powerful... I know" He says then shivers remembering when she casted the full body bind curse on him. I still feel really bad about that one.

"What are you talking about? Why do I have to leave?" As soon as I said that I heard screams and people yelling. Saying "there he is!!" And "omg he's so hot" but the one that sent fear threw my bones was "HARRY WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!?!" I look back to Neville with fear clear on my face.

"That's why" is all he says looking a little worried. I look at Ron and see that he is smiling a little, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Harry if I were you I'd start running" he says which makes Neville almost start laughing as well.

"I'm gonna get you for this Ron" and with that I take off running. Trying to avoid the stampede of girls trying to get to me. Hearing Ron and Neville laughing behind me. Just wait, Im gonna get Fred and George to prank them. I run into a dark hallway and when I finally stop hearing the footsteps, I look around only to find myself in the Slytherin stairwell. "Shit! How do I get out of here?" I start walking around trying to find a why out when I hear more footsteps. I turn the corner really fast bumping into someone.

"Ouch! what the-" I cut off whoever I bumped into by shushing them. Then I look up to see that Malfoy is the person I had bumped into....bloody hell Im doomed. I hear more footsteps coming closer and seem to be getting faster with every step. I push Malfoy behind a suit of armor to were hopefully the girls chasing me won't see. "What are you-"

I cut him off again. "Shhh!! For the love of Merlin Malfoy shut up!" Right now I'm so scared that those girls are going to find me, that I don't even care about the fact Im hiding with Malfoy.

"I think he went this way" one of the girls said. I was so happy that they were leaving, I let out a sigh of relief. Only to suck it back in when I over heard two girls conversation. "I swear he smiled at me. He's so cute" one of them said. "He's not cute, he's hot" said the other. I blushed fiercely as they walked off giggling. I look up and see Draco is EXTREMELY angry. Probably because I pushed him to a wall and shushed him.... twice.

Then I notice how close we are. If I leaned in a few inches, we would be kissing. I back away as quick as I possibly could. {great now I'm blushing even harder} I rub the back of my neck and tried to walk away. Emphasis on tried.

"Where do you think your going?" He said while grabbing my arm and pushing me so now I'm the one against the wall. He didn't push me hard enough to were it hurt though. I tilt my head up so I can look in his eyes and now notice just how much taller he is. He puts his hands against the wall on either side of my body, boxing me in so I can't move with an amused grin on his face.

I was so shocked, that I didn't say anything. "I asked you a question Potter" he said in a low and gruff voice that made my knees go weak. Im suddenly very glad that I'm leaning against a wall.

"Umm I-I was uhh j-just leaving" I stuttered. {why am I having trouble speaking? especially to Malfoy!} He looks me up and down and I some how feel even smaller. He then looks directly in my eyes with a smile.

"What are you doing here Potter? Don't you know it can be dangerous down here? Especially for a Gryffindor"  I don't know why but I'm at a loss for words. I've never felt this way with him before. It's just the tone of his voice, the sly smile on his face, and the way he's pining my body. It's just all so......


{WHY DO I THINK HE'S HOT?} I take a breath and start speaking. "I-I know and I was just trying to get away from those girls. I'll leave now" I curse myself for letting my nerves show. He looks deep in my eyes for a second and then starts leaning closer.

My heart is going a mile a minute and my breathe hitches in my throat. {IS HE GOING TO KISS ME!?!} but then he goes to my ear and I feel his breathe on my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"Well then. You should go. Don't want someone else finding you down here" He whispers in my ear and I start feeling something I have never felt before. My palms are sweaty, my heart is racing, I can't breathe, my face feels like its on fire and I'm sure I'm as red as a tomato. But the worst of it all. I can feel myself getting hard.

I need to get out of here. NOW!! He takes a step back an looks at me. his eyes widen like he just realized what he did. He looks at my red face and I'm frozen there from shock of what what happened an how it made me feel. I don't even move my head.

After a few seconds he takes another step back, gives me one last look, then turns to walk away. "Wait! How do I get out of here?"

He doesn't even look back when he says. "Down the hall and take a right" I'm so stunned that I'm still standing there speechless.

{what the bloody hell was that?} I took a deep breath. Trying to calm myself down a bit. Once I did, I got off the wall and went the way I was told finally finding the exit.

Thanks for reading XOXO BYEEEE 😘

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