Chapter 2

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Alright this is in Dracos POV ☺️

Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy

Yes Draco Malfoy as in The death eater

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Yes Draco Malfoy as in The death eater. I hate that most people think of me as the kid born into a death eater family, who was forced to do so many bad things, but there's nothing I can do about it. Most people either fear me or pity me, which I would much rather people think the first. My father is in Azkaban where he belongs. Thank Merlin. Yes I was a daddy boy but over the years and with everything that he made me do. I realized I was idealizing the wrong guy. An just so we are clear I never wanted to do any of the things I did but I was to afraid to disobey him. I think you know who I'm talking about. Now I'm free to do and be who I please...... I'm still an arse though. I've changed a bit but that stuff takes time.

And yes I know. I'm extremely handsome. What can I say, I'm born with beauty.

Anyway I guess you want to know what happened after the war. Well every single witch and wizard had to redo the year. So I'm still in seventh year, but after everything was over I guess I got a another reputation. People now see me as a troubled kid who wants to do good. whatever. I'll let them think what they want. The weird thing is that ever sense it came out that I was a death eater girls have been all over me. Not just the Slytherins but EVERYONE. Even the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff ones want me. I'm assuming it's because of the bad boy thing.

Which is disturbing. not only because they are Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but because they are girls.

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I'm gay.

Not that it's much of a surprise. Everyone I know. Well the four people I know, already know that I've been crushing on Harry Potter for years. Not that I'd ever admit it to anyone else. Mostly because he's straight.

But yeah I'm gay, single, and looking..... Well not really looking, like I said I like Potter.

Anyways I guess you want to know the story of how I got my little crush and how I told my friends so let's get this over with.

[Flashback To First Year]

I am finally going to Hogwarts and I plan to be running the school by the end of the year. I was currently being fitted for my school robes when a very tall man walked in. {he must be half giant or something} I thought to my self. I pay little attention to him until I see a boy around my age was following right behind him. They walk up to the man who owns the shop and introduce themselves. I can't hear them but I'm gonna guess that he is from a respected family because the owners eyes widen. immediately starting to run around the shop to help the boy.

It was very strange how the shopkeep acted. I thought I knew all the respectable family's but I guess I was wrong. Or maybe I do know him and I just don't recognize him. Yeah that's all, I just don't recognize him.

[Time Skip To Them On The Train]

I was siting in the cart, looking out the window when I heard really loud footstep. Like someone was running very fast to where I am. Then suddenly the door to the cart flew open and in emerged a panting Crabbe and Goyle. We have all been friends for a long time and if there is one thing I know about them. It's that they do NOT run.

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