Chapter 8

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Hiiiii so I'm continuing this book and I want to say I loveeee thatsso-random. Your comments give me life😂 also I want to say I also have a chapters account my first book is about werewolf mates so if you want to check it out. Oh and their gay obviously it's called blue bloods mate😘 away let's get started

Draco's POV

I heard a knock on the door and not even a second later, in walks Pansy with Blaise right behind her. "What the fuck just happened?" Blaise asks a little annoyed.

"He likes me" I repeat for the hundredth time in ten minutes.

"Who?" They both ask at the same time with the same look of utter confusion.

"Potter" I say propping myself up on my elbows. Blaise looks down, shacking his head in disappointment. Almost like a father of a toddler would do. Pansy looks like she was physically hurt by what I said.

"Oh my dear friend. it finally happened" Blaise says looking up with sad eyes.

"What?" I ask a little worried.

"You've lost your bloody mind!! Draco he's straight!" He almost shouts at me putting emphasis on the word straight.

I sit up completely so I can look at both of them. "I thought that too but when we were in the three broomsticks I over heard them talking" after I say that I tell them everything I heard.... well the parts I heard.

"Damn" Blaise says looking shocked.

"Well?" Pansy asks with a questioning look on her face.

"Well what?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go get him. Make him yours" she says in an encouraging tone.

"Should I?" I ask a little scared.

"For the love of Merlin! You have been crushing on Potter for forever. Now you find out that he feels the same or at the very least thinks your attractive. That's more even you've ever had from him so yes. Go get him and stop gushing about him to us!" Blaise says in one breath.

"I second that" Pansy says raising her hand like she's going to take a pledge.

So with that I smile at them, get up, and run out the door.

I'm on my way back running throw the halls, when I see Weasley and Potter leaning on Granger. They definitely had more drinks after I left. {they are going to have the worst day tomorrow} I think chuckling to myself. I couldn't contain the smile that was creeping it's way on my face. I mean come on. Potter looks so damn cute.

I wanted to help Potter to bed but again I knew it would look weird if I helped him, so I stayed put. Then I see that annoying little Gryffindor Longbottom and the weird Ravenclaw Lovegood walk over to help Granger. Which was good timing, it looked like she was really struggling. I leaned against the wall watching everything go down. Longbottom and Lovegood walk off with Weasley while Granger has to take Potter. Which I think was smart because from the height difference alone I think Potter is lighter. Not to mention it looked like Weasley had a lot more to drink, where as Potter can actually hold himself up.

Potter stops walking when he sees me and I'm so happy that he noticed me that I don't break eye contact or pretend I wasn't watching him like I normally would. He looks confused, or maybe a little worried? probably because I'm really close to Gryffindor hallway. I wanted to speak to him but he would probably not remember anything in the morning. I want him to remember this conversation. So when he walked off I turned around and head back to my dorm, giddy as a little kid with candy.

I walk inside my room and was bombarded with questions.  "what the hell?" Blaise said when he noticed me.

"Why are you back?" Said Pansy in a irritated tone.

"That didn't take long did you even do it?" Blaise asked

"You didn't did you? Why? You heard what he said yo-" I cut off Pansy because I know she was about to go on a really long rant. That girl could talk until her last breath.

"Stop! I didn't do it because he was drunk, so I decided to talk to him tomorrow" I say in a calm and slow voice.

"Ohhhh" they both say at the same time. I smile at them and we talk a little longer about what I'm going to say an also about Blaises crush. Apparently he noticed some poor girl a while ago. Which is super rare for him. The only other girl he had ever been interested in was Pansy in like third year. but when he found out she had a thing for me, he got over it fast. Pansy of course doesn't like anyone. The girls a player and she knows it. She just flirts, she doesn't date. After a couple hours we all decide to go to bed. I stayed up a little late thinking about a certain unruly haired boy and what I'm going to say or rather do to him tomorrow.

Just you wait Potter.

You will be mine and only mine.

Thank you for reading and this chapter is a little shorter. Sorry I'm really busy today but I hope you liked it. XOXO BYEEEEE 😘

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