Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

Me, Pansy and Blaise are talking about random things while walking to class. When I remembered that I left my potions book. "Shit! I forgot my book. I have to go back and get it" I say in an enraged tone.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Pansy asked.

"No, I'll see you in class" I said while walking back to the Slytherin common room.

"Alright. See you later" Blaise yelled.

The entire way back I kept cursing myself in my head for forgetting something. I never forget anything. Now I'm wasting time having to go get it.

I walk down the hall and am about to turn the corner when I hear really loud footsteps. Like a group of people are running. Then all of a sudden someone runs right into me.They are obviously shorter then me because their head hit my chest and normally that wouldn't hurt, but they also stepped on my foot. "Ouch! What the-"

"Shhh" I look down to see who was crazy enough to shush me and to my surprise it's Potter.

{what the hell is he doing down here?} I hear more footsteps and they seem to be getting closer. Then all of a sudden I'm being pushed behind a suit of armor. "What are you-"

"Shhh!! For the love of Merlin. Malfoy Shut up" He whisper yells at me.

{Did he just shush me....twice!?} then I notice how close we are. On one hand I want to pull him closer till there's no space between us but on the other I know if I do then he'll kill me.

We hear the girls that I'm assuming were chasing him come down the hall. Those damn girls need to get some pride and self control. Just look at me. I'm inches away from him and I'm not jumping his bones. Granted I am having a bit of difficulty.

"I think he went this way" one of them says and they all go running off the way she pointed. I can feel Potter softly exhale on my chest which makes my heart start racing. I feel like I had just ran a marathon with how fast it's going.

Then I feel him tense up again with the words that come out of one of the girls mouth. "I swear Harry smiled at me today. He's so cute" I have to admit I get extremely jealous over Potter. I hate when people even look at him that way. An hearing that he supposedly smiled at some girl is super infuriating. But what really made my blood boil was what the next girl said "he's not cute he's hot" the girls giggle and walk off leaving me seething. I know I have no right being jealous but I can't help it.

Then I see Potter looking up at me. I guess he can see how angry I am because he backs up immediately and rubs his neck. That's when I see he is blushing to the point he looks like a tomato.

{is he blushing because of the girls? Or from how close we were?} he shifted awkwardly between his feet and then tried to walk off, but I wasn't going to let him go that easily. I intend to find out which made him turn that beautiful shade of red.

"Where do you think your going?" I grab his arm and drag him to where he pushed me against the wall fast and hard. But not hard enough to hurt him.

He looked really shocked and I almost ran away but I want to know so badly. I have to go threw with this. It's to late now anyway. "I asked you a question Potter"

"Umm I-I was uhh j-just leaving" he shuttered out.

{did he just stutter? He's never done that before. So... it was me?} I start getting excited but I still don't know for sure. I need to be certain. {please Merlin don't let this back fire on me} I give him my signature smirk and look him up an down. "What are you doing here Potter? Don't you know it can be dangerous here for a Gryffindor?"

Most of the time that would be true but no one in their right mind would mess with the famous Harry Potter.

Well....except for me obviously.

He doesn't say anything which is making me a little worried that I went to far. Until I hear him speak again. "I-I know and I was just trying to get away from those girls. I'm leaving now"

And that's when I lost a little bit of control. He is stuttering so bad. Its kinda funny and extremely adorable at the same time. He's never acted this way before. I can't kelp but lean in until I'm right in the crook of his neck. I take the opportunity to inhale his sweet scent because I have never been close enough to smell it before. He smells like chocolate and a little like the woods. Which is a weird combination, but it actually smells really nice and fit him well.

I take in a deep breath trying to smell more of it. Then I exhale right on his neck so he can feel it. "Well then.... you should go" I whispered in his ear.

I had the strongest urge to kiss and suck his neck until there was a big red and purple mark that everyone can see. I use every single bit of self control I had left so that I don't. I swallow hard and back away from him. I look at him and feel my eyes widen as I finally see his face.

He was red and his mouth was open slightly trying to take a breath that looked like it was never going to come. His eyes were wide in disbelief and he was frozen like a statue.

After a moment I turned away. I looked back at him once more then walked away. "Wait! How do I get out of here?" I couldn't even look back at him when I answered.

"Down the hall and take a right" I yell back still walking away.

This chapter is a little shorter, but I hope you liked see what happened from Draco's POV

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