Chapter 21

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IM BACK!! And happy Valentine's Day to all that are single or not...but more love for the single people 💕 also ⚠️ dirty talk

Draco's POV

After we left the Slytherin common room Pansy quickly rushed us off to the Quidditch training field. I was very confused as to why we were going there because we really never go that way. The last time we were at the training field was probably when we took flying class.

I continue to ask Pansy what we were doing, but she just ignored me or told me to be quiet, which each time earned her a glare. Once I finally decided to stop asking Blaise asked 'why doesn't he shut up when I ask him to' in a whiny tone. Which got him a smack on the back of his head by me.

As soon as we reached the field I immediately noticed that there was a lot of other people there. By a lot of people I mean probably whole school. I shot a questioning look to Pansy, but she just smirked and pointed in the direction were most of the people have conjugated. It was then that I noticed a big chalkboard that is at least seven feet tall and four people wide, with a lot of names of it.

"What's going on? What is that?" Asked Blaise sounding just as confused as I am. I walk a little closer so I have a better view of the names, but the only names I see on the board are girls. There were a few I recognized like Granger, Weasley, and Lovegood. Every name had a number just to the right of it. Lovegood had the highest.

"That my dear friends is a bet" Pansy said with a little excitement in her voice and a grin on her face.

"A bet? A bet for what?" Blaise asks still trying to read the names on the board, but failing do to so many people blocking his view trying to place a bet at the same time.

"Oh nothing. Just who Harry Potter is with is all" she replies looking directly at me.

I let out a short, deep chuckle while looking at all the names on the board. If Pansy really thought that this would bother me she was dead wrong. I mean seriously. I know Harry is gay, He's with me or he will be, and all these people are going to lose their money. There's nothing better then this right here. "Pansy, if these imbeciles wish to lose their money on a bet they will never win, I will happily sit back and watch"

"I didn't think you would be upset about the bet. I know your going to be upset how some girls are planing on winning the bet" she says while slowly backing away from me. Almost as if she expects me to explode or something.

"What do you mean?" Asked Blaise obviously noticing the way she is distancing herself from me.

"It's just that I've overheard some girls talking about getting a certain something to help sway Potters feeling in their direction" after hearing those words come out of her mouth I felt my body stiffen. Is she talking about what I think she's talking about.

I slowly turn my body from the board that is continuing to grow with names and numbers to a now very nervous looking Pansy. "What do you mean by a 'certain something' Pansy?"

I can feel the tension in the air that has been created because of my anger, but I can't stop it. She gives a nervous glance towards Blaise, but he hasn't looked away from me the entire conversation. Almost as if he was afraid if he looked away I would attack him. "Wellllll umm there was talk about..maybe..girls slipping him a love potion" her voice got quieter and quieter when she was speaking, but I still heard her.

I took a deep breath and quickly glanced around hoping to find the green eyed boy, but he wasn't here. "Are you telling me that their going to put Harry under a spell to win a bet!!"

I faced Pansy and Blaise again, but this time Blaise has his famous teasing smirk. "Ohh so it's 'Harry' now is it?" He teases. I shoot him the worse glare I could give, but the look on his face never falters even for a second "Go get your man"

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