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"It's now been 8 years since we met Edin for the first time. She's recently turned 16 and recently got told the news she would be touring with Cique de Soleil for a year in the arena tour Axel."

"So today, I'm having another training," an older Edin spoke as she stood with her wrist inside one of the aerial straps, "there's a week till I begin trainig with Soleil. So for now my mom is trying to give me an extra amount of homeschooling along with extra training. So yeah... better buckle up."

Edin sighed before she began training around in the aerial straps, swinging through the air with loads of speed and seemingly fearless. The clips continued to show Edin continue to train on the Aerial straps and struggling slightly with it, but she was shown to continue before having a training session with her trainer.

"I'll be doing a duo act in aerial straps in Soleil," Edin explained as she were breathing heavily whilst her trainer got the straps ready for her once more, "it's quite new for me. I haven't actually used the aerial straps before, these has been my first time... so I'm quite nervous about doing an act in Soleil about it, but I guess I'm a fast learner."

The next clip showed Edin swinging around in both straps, before she was shown hanging upside down whilst standing in a hand stand in the straps. Clearly overworking her muscles by the look on her face.

"Keep it!" the trainer yelled out, "keep it!" she exclaimed, "legs up!" she exclaimed as Edin had begun slowly sinking her legs.

Edin took in a deep breath before she visibly straightened up in the air once again.

"Arms out to the sides," the trainer called out making Edin bite her teeth together before slowly moving her arms out to the sides to that she had them in a straight line out from her shoulders, "is it hard?"

"Please," Edin breathe out as she frowned to hold herself up.

"Keep it," the trainer said before letting out a sigh, "you can go down."

With a sigh of relief Edin immediately flipped down and placed her feet on thr ground before shaking her arms and bending over and placed her elbows on her knees.

"I expect you to hold it for longer tomorrow," her trainer spoke as Edin just nodded and straightened up with a small wince as she quickly massaged her biceps.

"After a long day's training, Edin is going to her trailer to get schooled by her mom, who spends the morning schooling her brother."

"Uh, my mom wants me to learn as many languages as my grandma," Edin spoke up as she sat and wrote down answers to various questions, on a paper, "so I'm currently in the works of learning Italian. I've already been through... Spanish, Germand and French. Then I also have  to Dutch to go. Dutch shouldn't be that hard now that I know German."

The camera zoomed in on Edin's homework as her mother watched over her answer each question.

"I never really got that much lessons in math or science. My mom's always focused a lot on educating me in language and society over science and more complicated maths," Edin shrugged to the camera before sliding the paper across the table and over to her mom who looked over it.

"At the end of the night the time is past midnight as Edin goes to wash up in the extra trailer."

"It was decided that now I would be travelling with a whole other circus that I try and live in my own trailer," Edin explained as she moved around her own trailer, "uh... yeah... I don't have much more to say."

She looked around before grabbing onto her toothbrush and toothpaste before getting it ready.

"Ah, for what I do to have fun?" Edin sighed at a question the cameraman must've asked her, "I don't know to be honest. I don't really have time to have fun I think. I've been working for as long as I can remember. I'd love to be able to meet other kids my age whilst I'm still a teenager, but I don't think mom would I allow that."

With that Edin started brushing her teeth as the camera continued to show her get ready to go to bed, before she sat down with the camera once more.

"Ah I won't say I'm depressed," Edin shook her head at the camera, "I'm just... I'd like to go out and experience more, meet young people my age. For the past sixteen years of my life I have been sort of trapped in this circus. I've been loads of places in the world and I've met people my age and seen how they act around each other, but I have never really had a chance to talk with one. I just want to be a normal teenager by now, but I know... if I were to leave I would not be welcome back. That's what I worry about the most. I really want to leave and meet new people, but I'm afraid of the sacrifices I'll have to make. If I decide to leave I will be shunned by mom and not be welcome back, but I also know I'll most likely get blacklisted in the industry so I won't have this to return to if my plans don't work out. I don't know if it would be worth trying something else."

Edin sighed before looking down at the table that was between her and the camera before she brushed her hair out of her face and began braiding it all together in one big braid.

"I think leaving with Soleil is different than if I were to leave for any other reason," Edin shrugged, "I can't give all my plans away here, but maybe I could negotiate with the tour managers to let me go out and about to experience a normal teenage life. Whatever that is," she let out a small laugh before sighing, "yeah... I guess that would be nice. Cause you know... looking back, you've probably also seen it in the documentary, but my mom can be quite a major figure in my life. I don't think she's a exception to my brother either. I think that's what I worry about the most, I think my mom will become harsher on my brother if I were to leave. I don't want that, so I might just stay forever."

"After a final talk with Edin we left her for good and hope she'll do well in the future. We do not know what happened after her tour with Soleil."

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