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In between our end of debut promotions and our fan meeting we were all going to some health check up, where they would be checking up on our weight, body fat, muscle mass and so, you name it. 

We usually got driven wround in two cars, and I was permanently stuck in the car with Sunoo, Sunghoon and Heeseung. Already by that mix you knew it was a chaos, which made it a lot harder to carry out a formal phone call.

"I am sorry, is this a bad moment for you to call? " the woman on the other end questioned at the screams and yells that were coming from the boys, making me sigh at them.

"No, it's good. I'm just trapped in a car with three imbeciles at the moment, all good," I assured her making Heeseung snap his head over to me.

"What'd you call us?" he questioned making me glance up at him and hold up my hand for him to wait

"Alright... so what I've noted here is that you want to get your exam results send to you," the woman on the other end stated.

"Yes, that's correct," I assured her and she hummed at me.

"Uh, since you were home schooled we're not sure we can get ahold of them, but we'll try and you'll hear from us if we find them," the woman stated before the line went dead.

"What did you call us?" Heeseung questioned as he saw me remove my phone from my ear, "I heard you were trapped in some car with three... what was the word?"

"Imbeciles," I repeated to him making him frown, "you really want the translation?"

"I'm actually not sure..." he hesitantly replied.

"Try it, come with it," Sunoo challenged.

"Oh well... basically it's a fancy word for idiot," I shrugged making him let out a small gasp at me as he frowned as well, "what? Do you know how hard it is to have a phone call with three people screaming and yelling on the other end."

"But it was a very important discussion," Sunghoon pointed out in defence and turned in his seat to look at me.

"You were discussing for how long an egg should be cooked... which is for a starter completely irrelevant, and secondly completely useless when you're sitting in a car," I pointed out to them.

"Nah... you love it," Heeseung shook his head at me making me let out a small laugh at them.

"I guess I do," I admitted as he just grinned widely.

As we all walked arrived at the company we all walked to the artist lounge where we would be picked up one by one for our check up.

"Sunoo, Jake and Sunghoon had to lose weight, right?" Heeseung questioned and the three boys all nodded, "but were you also on a diet during promotion?"

"Not as much," Sunoo shook his head, "it wasn't as strict."

"Jay hyung and I had to just maintain," Jungwon shrugged, "but I don't think I've lost the weight I've gained over new year's."

"Honestly, who cares?" I sighed, "you all look great anyways."

"Did you even gain?" Jay let out a small laugh at me as I just shrugged, "you and Heeseung-ie hyung had to gain, right?"

"We did," Heeseung nodded in confirmation as Niki returned from his check up and Jungwon was called in instead.

"But... noona has basically eaten every second of every day," Niki immediately jumped into the conversation, "how can she not have gained?"

"My superpowers," I smirked at him making him let out a small laugh as he sat down beside Sunoo and laid his head on Sunoo's shoulder, "no seriously... both Jake and Sunghoon has literally come to me multiple times in a day and just given me the food they wanted to eat, but couldn't."

"If you haven't gained weight you're just a lost cause," Heeseung shrugged at me, "you've eaten even more than me."

"Haven't you felt sick at all?" Jake questioned in amusement.

"I feel so terrible everynight," I let out a small laugh, "that's why I'm always the first one to go to bed. Sleep it off."

We all looked back up as Jungwon happily skipped back to us and the staff member silently followed him.

"Edin," the woman stated and I just nodded before walking with her down the hallway and into the small health room.

They quickly checked my height and blood pressure before they had me step up on the scale. The scale was some sort of special one that meassured bodyfact percentage and muscle mass as well as your weight as a whole.

"Now, Edin you were supposed to gain," the woman pointed out and I nodded at her as I pulled off my jacket and slipped out of my boots and socks. Since I had to be barefoot for the scale to meassure my muscle mass and fat percentage, "step up and we'll have a look."

I nodded before slowly stepping up on the scale and immediately looking over to the computer screen she sat by. It registered no change... heck it even showed I had lost bodyfat.

"Step down," the woman said and took some notes as I slipped into my socks and boots once again before grabbing my jacket in my arms, "how have you been eating?"

"Basically non-stop," I replied in confussion, "the boys, who have been on a weightloss diet, have been giving me the food they've wanted to eat, but haven't been allowed to."

"Hmm..." she hummed with a small frown, "I'm gonna give you a meal plan now... I know you haven't had one until now. But we can try and see if this changes anything," she explained and I nodded before she printed some schedule out and packed it into a file and handed it to me, "you can go back to the boys now. I'll wait a bit before getting the next one, I have to look through some of your stats."

"Thank you," I bowed my head to her and grabbed the file before stepping out on the hallway and walking back to the boys.

"Oooh, I see a file," Jungwon cooed out and I just nodded at him.

"Did you gain too much?" Heeseung frowned at me and I simply shook my head at him.

"I lost," I admitted and slumped back down in my seat, "so now... I'm on some meal plan."

"Hold on... how can you lose?" Jake questioned and I just shrugged at him.

"You tell me," I let out a small laugh of disbelief.

"Ah, I wish I was like that," Sunoo complained and slumped back in the couch as he crossed his over his chest.

"Gaining can be just as hard as losing," Jay pointed out and I just nodded at him, "you can think you're going the right way when in reality you're doing the exact opposite. For you, you might think you're losing but in reality you might be gaining."

"So many times," Sunoo sighed.

"For Edin it's just the other way around. She thinks she is gaining, when in reality she is losing," Jay explained and we all just nodded.

"Does this mean there will be cooked proper meals in the dorm now?" Jungwon's face lit up.

"You know... if you wanted proper meals, you could've just asked," Heeseung pointed out with a small laugh.

"I have to admit we haven't been living off the best diet," I pointed out with a small laugh.

"Excuse you... some of you have," Jake gasped at me making me let out a small laugh at him and just nod at him.

"Jay," the woman who conducted the check ups had returned and called for Jay to follow after her.

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