Pretty Petty

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June 2021

"Ugh, you're doing it wrong," Sunoo complained at me as he looked at me through the mirror.

"Well, sorry oh-so-noble-and-holy god of skincare," I dramatically replied to which he simply glanced at me and pursed his lips before squeezing out whatever the next skincare product, he was going to use, was, "I have my ways of doing my skincare and you have you way."

"Yeah, I have the right way and you have the wrong way," he pointed out to which I just glared at him, "what are you gonna do? Huh? Huh?"

"I'm so done with you," I calmly replied and washed my hands in the sink before drying them off in a towel.

"Hey that's not fair!" Sunoo yelled after me as I walked over to the door out of the bathroom.

"Oh... but life ain't fair hun. Live with it," I reminded before happily swinging myself out on the hallway, by holding one hand on the doorframe.

"I'm gonna tell Jay hyung," Sunoo yelled out after me.

"Oh how terribly scared I am," I retorted in amusement before skipping back towards the bedroom.

I could only hear Sunoo exclaim a loud groan from the bathroom, only making me let out a happy laugh at him. As I glanced back over my shoulders I was immediately stopped in my skipping by a pair of hands grabbing my shoulders.

"Woah... someone is energetic today," Sunghoon commented in amusement as I looked back at him with a confused look on my face.

"But Sunoo-" I started and he immediately let out a small laugh.

"Keep going," he encouraged.

"You can't just encourage her to keep bothering me!" Sunoo gasped as his head poked out from the bathroom door and I let out a small giggle of amusement, "that's not fair!"

"Didn't you hear me when I said life isn't fair?" I questioned in amusement as Sunoo just glared at me.

"You're so mean, you know that?" he questioned as I just grinned widely at him before doing a small salute and easily stepping over behind Sunghoon to hide myself from Sunoo's glare, "you can hide but you can't run Yang Hana!"

"That's Edin Hepburn to you!" I retorted only resulting in Sunghoon's shoulders beginning to shake, I suppose because he was trying to surpress a laugh.

"I swear when you least expect it, a pillow over your head!" Sunoo yelled out.

"Mhm, I'd like to see you try shortie!"

"I'm taller than you!"

"Then act like it!"

"Okay, I think now is when I take you away before you awake the little Gremlin inside of Sunoo," Sunghoon turned around and softly pushed me by my shoulders as his face spoke anything but sternness. Oh, he was most definitly surpressing a laugh.

"There is not a Gremlin inside of me!" Sunoo's voice yelled as Sunghoon just pushed me into the bedroom and quickly closed the door, bending over in laughter within seconds.

"What the hell is going on between you two lately?" he let out a small laugh before running a hand over his face.

"To my defense, he started it," I defended and Sunghoon let out another small laugh, "he's petty, I am petty. Pretty much what seals the deal."

Sunghoon let out a small sigh before just nodding and picking me up, easily throwing me up into his bed.

"Do you ever stop doing that?" I questioned and looked down at his sheepish smile.

"The day I'm old and weak and can't even lift you one centimeter of the ground," he excused and I sighed deeply.

As I looked down at Sunghoon from his bunk realization slowly hit me and a frown grew on my face. Something was off.

"What?" Sunghoon questioned in amusement.

"Why do you only have one birthmark all of a sudden?" I questioned and tapped his birthmark on the side of his nose.

"What do you mean?" he let out a small laugh.

"You usually have a birthmark here," I stated and tapped a spot right under his right eye before turning his head again and tapping right where his hairline started beside his ear, "and two small ones here... where are they?"

"I just covered them up," he shrugged and I continued frowning at him.

"Why would you do that?" I lowly questioned and he let out a small laugh at me.

"Well, I don't know... they just usually cover it up before any activities, so I wanted to continue doing it," he excused with a shrug and my frown just grew deeper.

As motherly as it sounds I did not hesitate to wipde under his eye, slowly revealing a small dark spot before turning his face and doing the same until I could see the two dark spots that had been covered up as well.

"There better," I hummed with a small smile.

"You prefer it like this?" he questioned and I nodded.

"And everyone should prefer it like that," I remarked, "it's cuter like this."

"And you think I wanna be cute?" he questioned and arched his eyebrows at me in amusement.

"Well... then you're prettier like this," I shrugged and he immediately smiled at me.

"Ey, don't call me pretty, you know what it does to me," he complained and I just hummed at him.

"Oh I know, why do you think I used pretty instead of handsome?" I remarked and he let out a small sigh before turning his back to me and quickly hiding his face in his hands before turning back to me.

"Okay... I won't cover them up again, but I can't promise anything on behalf of the stylists," he pointed out and I immediately smiled widely, "deal?"

Instead of answering I quickly leaned forward and pressed a small peck to his birthmark under his eye before just smiling widely and nodding at him.


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