Take a Picture

966 40 1

April 2022

It was quiet in the room as the bright morning light shone in through a crack in the curtains, the only sound was coming from the birds outside and Sunghoon's heavy breathing.

His eyes were completely clothes and lips slightly parted, as he had rolled over to lay on his back, no longer holding onto me to make sure I stayed warm throughout the night. Now the only touch I had in common with him was his arm, from his opposite said, that was reached over across his stomach and softly grazing my elbow with the nails and fingertips of his hand.

Shoving one arm under my head as a pillow, seeing as Sunghoon had hogged both pillows over the course of the night, I let my eyes wander over his facial features.

 I liked the slope of his nose, I wouldn't be able to pinpoint what, but something about it and the one mole on the side always managed to enchant me like no other things. His lips always looked so soft and rosy, even the days he felt a bit sick they never faded in colour. His jawline is self-explained, perfectly outlined and sharp. His chest rose a bit higher than his stomach, even when he exhaled, the result of him training every once in a while and his large and obssessive intake of proteins. His white t-shirt was by far a lot paler than his arm, which rested across it.

"You know... it'll last longer if you took a picture," a movement in Sunghoon's lips and the sound escaping his voice made me look back up at his face, while he squinted one eye open - looking towards me.

"Why would I do that?" I quietly murmured, only earning a shrug.

"So you can look at me whenever you want," he excused and closed his eye once again, "isn't that what you'd want?"

"Well... if you're so clingy and always by my side I don't really think I need to worry about that," I teased, making his chest heave up before he let out a deep sigh.

"Remind me again why I'm so in love with you," he murmured, as a small chuckle left, "do enlighten me with what I am forgetting."

"Sometimes you don't have a good reason to fall in love... it just happens," I murmured as I softly let my fingers trail small circles around on his forehead, before letting it follow the slope of his nose, "I like your nose."

"Still?" he remarked and I just hummed as I pulled my hand back to myself, "continue doing that."

I let out a small laugh before letting my hand return to his face, tracing his facial features with light and soft touches.

"I don't know... it's just so perfect..." I murmured quietly well aware of the confidence boost I might've just have given him, and the possibilities of a cocky Sunghoon for the rest of the day just enlarging.

A small chuckle escaped Sunghoon as he turned his head to me and opened his eyes, raising both his eyesbrows as if to ask if I was serious - which I was, and that's why I nodded in return.

"I like this mole too," I murmured and patted the one under his eye, just on his cheekbone.

"I know... you've mentioned," he reminded and I just nodded as I pulled my hand back to myself again, "I don't mind... it feels quite calming, your touch."

"Yeah?" I chuckled at him, "are you a softie today?"

"I'm always a softie for you," he murmured, probably partially influenced by his tired daze.

"I'm gonna need you to repeat that while I record it," I gasped and rolled over to grab onto my phone.

Within miliseconds I had been stopped by Sunghoon wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back flush against his chest while I could feel him let out small laughs.

"You can forget it. That's our secret," Sunghoon teasingly warned as I felt a soft kiss get planted behind my ear, "now, sleep again."

"I'd rather look at your face," I reminded him.

"I told you to take a picture."

"Pretty please?"





"Not a chance."

"Just one look."

"Go back to sleep."

"Ugh, joykill."

"Love you too."

With each reply I could hear Sunghoon's smirk broaden, meanwhile my frustration only grew more until I eventually gave up and just let out a deep huff. Sunghoon stayed quiet as I simply sulked in my spot.

"Alright, one look," Sunghoon sighed as I felt him turn me around in his arms, to face him.

His eyes weren't even open, he just laid there, trying to fall back asleep again.

"And then you try and sleep, alright?" he questioned making me immediately nod, before I reminded myself he could not see what I was doing.

"I swear," I assured him.

A content hum left my  lips as I managed to fight my head back onto my pillow, laying only mere milimeters from Sunghoon's face as I quietly studied it. Looking over each individual perfect detail.

Eventually, once I had decided I had looked enough, I leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to his lips. In the belief of him being asleep, if I might add. But instead all I got was a wide grin in return along with a small laugh.

"I thought you were asleep!" I loudly exclaimed as Sunghoon's laugh grew louder, "ugh, this is embarrassing!"

"Just go to sleep Hana," he murmured and patted my back softly.

I let out a small whine as I closed my eyes tightly and dropped my hands over my face to cover up myself from even as much as facing my embarrassment.

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