Funeral Conversations

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September 19, 2022

Sunghoon sent me a hesitant glance as he adjusted the cuffs of his blazer, staying quiet as he kept a close eye on me while I got out my black heels. Without a word he just walked over to me and pressed a small kiss to my cheek, rubbing my shoulder softly.

"Are you alright?" he whispered and I hummed with a small nod.

"A bit jet lagged," I admitted with a small smile, "nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?" he questioned and I nodded at him, "you look like a royal in this dress," he remarked and flatted down my A-line skirt for me, letting it flare down to just under my knees.

"It's just protocol," I reminded him and he nodded quietly, "like the weird little hat I'll have to wear as well."

"Still looks beautiful," he reminded and I nodded quietly before pulling out the small box with the hat inside.

"We'll take the taxi to Westminster Abbey in fifteen minutes, we'll have to walk a bit up to the actual church, so there'll probably be cameras and such and you know the kind of attention we could possibly attract," I reminded him and he just nodded quietly as I fished out the small black headpiece and attatched it to my head with the small clips inside of it.

"Don't mind the cameras," he reminded softly as he sat down on my bed and looked up at me, "if anyone of us is gonna acknowledge the cameras then it is me, because she was your queen and therefore us attending this is for your sake and no one else's."

"I love you," I whispered and he just smiled softly up at me, grabbing my hands in his.

"I love you too," he assured softly, "if the cameras does anything for you just tell me, alright?"

"Yeah," I nodded quietly.

After exactly fifteen minutes we sat in our taxi away from the hotel and towards the church. Sunghoon with his hand resting comfortably on my thigh as I kept on sitting and glancing out the windows nervously. Every once in a while Sunghoon would rub his thumb against my leg to calm me down.

Even when we got to the church Sunghoon got out before me, insisting to open the door for me and help me out of the car. The whole time he held tightly onto my hand as we walked up towards the church. I didn't really look up as we walked - I would later find out Sunghoon had looked up almost glaring at any camera that pointed our way. He surely didn't look too happy in the pictures that had been taken of us.

"Why is there so many journalists at a funeral?" Sunghoon whispered to me and I glanced up to him, "I get she was the queen but privacy for mourning would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"The royal family will never have a chance to mourn," I reminded him softly, "they'll be in the spot light even in the next week and more. No time to mourn."

"If you ever died I would sure as hell make sure that no one saw me for at least a year. I need my mourning time," Sunghoon pointed out and I nodded quietly as my other hand also grabbed onto his.

"But it isn't exactly like I'm on my deathbed right now, is it?" I reminded him with a small smile, "that is unless you plan on murdering me anytime soon."

"Not part of my future life, no," he shook his head, "I would honestly prefer it if you would stay with me for quite a long time."

"And then you still haven't proposed," I tsk'ed at him, making him snicker down at me.

"Yet," he remarked and I just hummed with a small nod as we entered the church and I led him to the seats we had been given at the very back along with the lesser relevant attendees, "and I don't have to worry about you crynig?" he questioned and lifted the two laps of paper that laid on our chairs, letting me sit down before him as he kept a close eye on whether or not my skirt waas covering my legs properly.

"I won't cry," I shook my head quietly, "but I'm gonna ask you to behave yourself."

"Why?" he snickered slightly as he sat down beside me and reached over to rub my knee softly.

"Bear Grylls was on the celebrity guest list," I remarked and his mouth gaped open for a splitsecond before he quickly closed it and pretended to compose himself.

"Okay, that's fine. I don't care," he shrugged casually as I looked at him in amusement.

"Ah, you're right. I should only see if I can get an autograph for Jake, after all he's more obsessed with him," I casually excused and picked off some lint from my skirt, sending a small glance Sunghoon's way as his lips puckered out slightly and he only nodded.

"I mean... if I had the opportunity an autograph is pretty cool," Sunghoon excused as I stared at him with a small smile on my lips, "Jake would like it too."

"You're adorable," I whispered and reached down to grab his hand that had just laid itself on my knee.

Quietly Sunghoon looked over at me as my smile faded and his thumb immediately began rubbing over my knuckles as he looked around himself at everyone else showing up. Meanwhile I lowered my head once again and looked down at our hands, biting a bit down on my bottom lip as I sat in my own world.

"You know..." Sunghoon started trailing off and I looked back up at him, brushing my hair out of my face to let it sit neatly once again, "of all the accents I've heard pass me so far... by far, yours is the most charming," he remarked and I smiled softly at him before just nodding, "yours is kinda... brisk and mischevious... I kinda like that."

"You barely even understood anything I said until this year," I reminded him and he shrugged.

"Jake's English was easier to understand," he excused, "Jay's too."

"It's because I'm more sophisticated," I remarked with a small smirk and Sunghoon just shook his head mindlessly.

"No... it's like... there's just more colour to your accent," he frowned slightly as he leaned back in his chair, "flavour if you will... I wish I could learn it."

"You could, if you stopped immitating Jake's English and started repeating what I said," I reminded him and he only shook his head at me, "you could."

"But it's your thing," he insisted as he continued to shake his head, "only one can have the right to speak in such an accent and that should be you. I would not be able to make it sound anywhere as charming you do. I would bring shame to English if I even tried."

"Well, personally I think the most charming one if Konglish," I remarked and Sunghoon shook his head.

"That one doesn't count, it's not exactly an accent," he excused and I smiled softly before squeezing his hand, "what?" he murmured, knowing that a squeeze normally went something more than just that.

"Thank you," I whispered and he hummed - blinking a few times while giving me a look of confusion, "for keeping up this stupid conversation to mislead my thoughts," I murmured and he smiled slightly, "it really helps a lot."

"I just... you know how I feel about you being beside yourself. I need something stupid to talk about to get my Hana back," he reminded and I nodded quietly.

"She'll be back the moment we step on that plane tomorrow," I assured him softly.

"I'm not sure if I can wait that long," he excused and I shrugged at him before looking away from him and straight ahead as another pair sat down right in front of us, "just please remember to talk to me."

"I will," I assured him and squeezed his hand once again, this time without another meaning behind the squeeze - which he seemed to realize by how he just looked away once again to observe everyone else around us

miss liz' funeral ft. Ethan/Hoon (ain't sure yet

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