Management Mistake

693 37 1

October 18, 2022

I zipped up my bag as I sent Sunghoon a suspicious glance across our shared bed in the hotel. Immediately he let out a tired chuckle at me.

"Will you stop looking at me like that?" he questioned as I reached over and zipped up his bag as well.

"No," I calmly shook my head, "because you're making me very worried right now," I excused and handed him his coat, "you know you've been getting skinny during this tour and lately you've been suffering from fatigue."

"It's not fatigue," he sighed as he slipped into his coat.

"I know fatigue when I see it, don't pick that discussion with me hun," I warned before grabbing my jacket and zipping it up, "I'll decide wether or not it is fatigue you've been suffering from," I announced and grabbed both our bags.

"I love you and all... but you need to just calm down," he reminded and tried to grab his bag, to which I only shook my head and threw it over my shoulder, "Hana."

"Edin," I corrected him and he sighed heavily before pursing his lips. He knew I only asked him to call me Edin whenever I wasn't exactly pleased with him.

Instead of arguing with me about it he placed his hand on my back softly and led me out of the hotel, all the way down to the car where I sat in my usual seat behind him - sending a small text to our manager that Sunghoon clearly wasn't feeling too well today and that they better have everything in order when we got to the airport. The first text was then quickly followed up by me complaining about how the boys all visibly had lost quite a lot of weight while on the tour and that I was gonna keep them off any diet when we got back to Korea to start our Japanese promotions.

Once we finally arrived at the airport it was already a mess and I just held tightly onto Sunghoon's hand while we looked for the fastest way through to security. We were about the end of the line of members when we finally got through to security. I kept my tight grip on Sunghoon's hand as he stood behind me, just in front of a few of our managers.

"Oh my god why is she holding his hand, as if their relationship is real," Someone remarked and Jay immediately turned his head to casually glance at me as Sunoo glanced at him with confusion.

"You're taking this really well," Jay remarked and I just waved it off, "have you even heard all they said?"

"It's the art of ignoring, maybe you should practice it hun," I reminded him and he looked weirdly at me, "sorry, I have near to no patience today."

"Thank god I'm not Sunghoon," Jay murmured and turned around to chat with Jake once again, "you're scary when your British manners take over."

"It's not a British thing," I sneered in return and Jay only held up both his hands in defense as he turned back around to pick up his conversation with Riki and Sunoo once again.

"Love?" Sunghoon murmured behind me and I hummed, turning around to see how he swayed slightly back and forth as his grip on my hand wavered between loosening and tightening, "I think you might've been right... I don't feel too good."

"We'll be through security soon, alright?" I murmured and pushed his hair out of his face, his eyes barely staying open to look at me, "just a bit more and you can sit down."

"I'm just gonna sit down here," Sunghoon shook his head, leaning his head forward to rest on my shoulder as his knees slowly buckled under him and he just sat down on the ground while I had to keep ahold of his hand to not let his hand slip out of mine.

"Hoon?" I called out and he hummed, lulling his head backwards while I quickly crouched down by him as our managers surrounded us to hide us from any media, "Hey, stay awake. Look at me," I urged and slapped his cheek softly and snapped my fingers in front of his eyes, "look at me Sunghoon."

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