Pull-Up Bar

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June, 2021

Hana quietly trailed around the dorm in a search. She herself was very confused she had no idea where to search. So she just poked my head into every room.

"Sunghoon?" Hana questioned as she poked her head into the kitchen, only to see Jay cooking. The boy immediately shook her head without even looking at her.

"Check the bedroom," he replied and Hana simply hummed.

Quietly Hana walked back down to the bedroom and stuck her head in, in hopes of finding the boy she was searching for.

"Sunghoon?" she questioned once again, only interrupting Jungwon in his homework as he quietly shook his head.

"Check the pull-up bar," he mumbled as he looked back down at his book.

"Again?" Hana questioned in disbelief, and he just glanced up before slowly nodding, "this is seriously getting unhealthy."

"Worry about the red meat first," Jungwon called out as Hana closed the door to the bedroom and let out a small sigh.

She could swear this boy has been too much on that pull-up bar lately. Hana let out a small frustrated sigh before walking into the living room. Seems like Jungwon was right. Sunghoon was quietly minding his own business as he kept doing exercises on the  pull-up bar. Instead of saying anything Hana just walked over and sat down in the couch beside him, quietly watching as he continued to pull himself up over and over, time and time again.

It seemed like an eternity before he actually let go of the pull-up bar and stood on the ground. He was about to turn away from her when Hana had cleared her throat, making him immediately jump around and place a hand over his heart. He hadn't even heard or realized she was there.

"You scared me," he complained with a small laugh as he felt his heart pounding hard in his chest.

"What'cha doing?" Hana questioned and he just shrugged.

"Working out," he excused and she just hummed with a small nod. Sunghoon almost finding it obvious what he was doing.

"Again?" Hana's question had immediately made a frown wash over his face, "you work out everyday when we get home from schedule. By now I believe the only time you don't work out is when you're eating... preferably red meat."

"What are you trying to say?" he let out a small laugh at her, really not getting what she was trying to say.

"That I'm worried," Hana quietly admitted and looked up at him, it sure was something she had thought about for a long time, but didn't tell him, "I get you want to have a nice body and be healthy and work out... but everyday is not healthy, and you know that. You need at least one day's rest for your muscles to rehabilitate. Besides the cholesterol levels you get from eating red meat can give you serious heart diseases in the long run," Hana rambled making Sunghoon smile before cupping her face and making her look up at him, bringing her lips into a pout immediately. Sunghoon simply couldn't help but smile at her, she was quite cute and endearing when she began rambling and he could only find it amusing.

"I'll be fine, Love," he softly assured and Hana just shook my head.

"No because you eat red meat everyday, if not for more than one meal, and with the amounts you're eating at a time it'll end up giving you serious heart disease or thinned blood veins in the future. Plus all that work out will end up tearing on your body and then-" Hana rambled on again making Sunghoon let out a small laugh and press his thumb softly into her right cheek, making her stop immediately.

"Okay then... how about... I tone down my workout time, I rest on Sundays and I'll eat other healthy and protein-full foods beside red meat?" he offered and Hana just nodded at him, "now what else is on your mind?"

"You give workout and your muscle process more attention than you give me," Hana sighed making him just let out another small laugh before sitting down beside her and spreading his arms, he simply couldn't help but find her amusingly adorable in this moment, "no... you're sweaty."

"But you want attention... don't you?" he questioned making Hana glance at him before she just quietly nodded, "then... I'll go shower and how about I give you attention?"

"I'd like that," Hana muttered with a small nod.

"You're cute," he commented and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before getting up from the couch and walking towards the bathroom.

Hana sat seated on the couch deep in her thoughts as Sunghoon was out to wash himself up before he got changed into his sweats and white shirt. Hana didn't even say anything once she could hear Sunghoon get out of the bathroom, she just sat quietly and let the slightly older boy search for her.

"Hana?" Sunghoon softly called out as he saw her still sitting on the couch, while a towel still hung around his neck.

"Hm?" Hana immediately looked over at Sunghoon, who just let out another small laugh at her.

"Come on... let's just go cuddle," he urged and nodded his head towards the bedroom, making Hana quietly shake her head, "no?"

"I don't feel like moving," Hana murmured making a frown actually grow on Sunghoon's face as he realized something was actually wrong.

"You just wanna sit out here?" Sunghoon softly questioned and Hana quietly nodded making Sunghoon immediately waddled over and sat down beside her, tugging her hair behind her ears, "so tell me... what's actually bothering you?"

"I'm just worried," Hana murmured in a small croak making Sunghoon immediately realize she was actually really serious this whole time.

"Look at me," Sunghoon softly spoke making Hana carefully glance over at him.

A small sigh escape from Sunghoon when he saw how much worry that actually was in Hana's eyes. She even looked like she was on the verge of tears. Quietly he carefully reached over and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her over into his lap, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry," Sunghoon quietly muttered into Hana's hair making her head immediately lay itself on his shoulder, "I didn't know you were that worried."

"It's fine," Hana muttered and began fiddling with her hands in her lap.

"No it's not," Sunghoon shook his head and tried to bend his head down so that he could see Hana's expression, though it was to no avail. He did not get one glance of her face, "you should've told me how worried you were. You should've told me the moment you began worrying just the slightest bit."

"I just wanted to trust you with this one... you know your body better than I do, but I'm just scared it's getting unhealthy now," Hana admitted making Sunghoon softly smile at her small figure.

"And you know yours better than I do, but that's not going to stop me from worrying about why you're so bad at putting on weight," Sunghoon reminded making Hana just nod at him, "which is why I sometimes try to force feed you," Sunghoon let out a small laugh, that let a small chuckle come from Hana as well.

"I won't say force feed," Hana commented and Sunghoon just shrugged and gave her waist a small squeeze, "you just urge me to eat some food with a very stern voice."

"Well... yeah," Sunghoon frowned slightly as he let out a small laugh before looking back down at Hana again, "but now we know each other's worries.... so how about we help each other with our health? I take one day's rest in the week and cut down on the workout, then you make sure I don't eat as much red meat and I make sure we get some more fat on those bones. How does that sound?"

"I'd like that," Hana muttered before reaching up and wrapping her arms around Sunghoon's neck, hugging him tightly.

"I really made you worried, didn't I?" Sunghoon sighed and gave her a small squeeze before Hana slowly nodded, "sorry."

"Shut up I just need attention right now," Hana muttered and ruffled Sunghoon's wet hair.

"Yah! Don't mess with it!" Sunghoon loudly complained as he momentary loosened his grip around Hana, giving her a small gap of space where she could escape.

Immediately Hana ran off through the dorm, much to Sunghoon's disbelief. One second she was all worried and the next she was like a playful puppy. 

"This girl..." Sunghoon muttered in amusement before getting up from the couch and going out to find the small perpetrator that most likely was hiding somewhere while giggling her ass off.

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