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"Wonie, can you call a meeting today?" I questioned as I walked out in the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Why?" he frowned at me and looked up from his breakfast.

"Because I'm your favorite and I tell you to," I reminded him with a small smile before opening the fridge.

"Okay," he nodded and quickly finished his breakfast before walking out of the kitchen, "group meeting in the living room in five!" he screamed out, making me let out a small jump.

"I didn't mean now. I was supposed to get breakfast first," I gushed at him making him let out a small laugh at me, "sometimes you take things to literal."

Not even ten minutes had passed before we all sat around the living room, most of the boys on the couches, Jay leaning against the door frame to the living room as Sunghoon and I sat beside each other on the floor.

"So... group meeting," Jungwon clapped his hands together before I felt Sunghoon reach over and grab my hand. Immediately intertwining our fingers and bringing our hands over in his lap as he began playing with my fingers with his other hand. I glanced up at him, he was fully focused on Jungwon and I'm not even sure he was aware of what he was doing, "I don't know what we're doing, but noona asked me to call in the meeting."

"You're telling them now?" Jay widened his eyes at me.

"It's just like ripping off a band-aid, right?" I questioned with a small smile.

"Hold on, you know?" Jake pointed to Jay who just nodded.

"Heeseung hyung too," Jay nodded at him.

"I think we should hear what Hana has to say," Sunghoon spoke up before looking over at me.

The fact that he made everyone go silent and urged me to tell just made it all worse. Something told me he would end up taking it quite bad. Actually, I think he was gonna take it terribly bad. I let out a small sigh before tightening my grip on his hand, hindering him from sitting and playing with my fingers.

"Uh... it is the case that... my birthday is April 13th... 2003," I slowly stated and it went completely silent in the room.

I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest before I felt Sunghoon's hand rip apart from mine before he just walked off.

"I'll take it," Jay stated before immediately turning around and following after Sunghoon as the attention was directed back to me.

"What do you mean? It was December 31st just yesterday," Jungwon frowned over at me as I just shook my head at him and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Her mom falsified a birth certificate for her to be able to work more hours than actually was allowed for her age," Heeseung explained making the other boys widen their eyes at him before looking back to me.

"Isn't that illegal?" Jake questioned as I just nodded.

"We signed the lawsuit just two days ago," Heeseung nodded before looking back to me, "but I don't know what now has happened?"

"They're looking into the case right now, to find the false birth certificate my mom had me work under," I spoke.

"Wait, hold on... you're suing your own mom?" Sunoo questioned and I just nodded at him, "and that's why you've been so beside yourself lately."

"What is the punishment?" Niki questioned as he looked over to me.

"A fine around 25.000£ or three years jail," I shrugged at him.

"That's quite something," Jake stated as I just silently nodded at him.

"If you look at it she did work about four hours more than she should for her age all the way up till she was fourteen," Heeseung stated.

"Oh that's bad," Jungwon stated and I just nodded at him, "that can do some serious damage, can't it?"

"Yeah," I nodded at him with a small mutter.

"But why did Sunghoon hyung just walk off then?" Niki frowned over at me as I just shrugged at him.

"I don't know," I excused.

"Matter of fact is, that technically, even though she isn't in England, Hana is following through a lawsuit against her own mom. Which means we have to be by her side as much as possible for when she needs us," Heeseung loudly stated and all the boys just nodded in agreement, "right now this is not only gonna be hard on her, but also on her brother, which surely also fills a lot in her mind as well."

"Oh my god Ethan," I muttered in realization, "I didn't even think about that, What the hell have I done? He's gonna be an orphan if she gets into jail, who the hell can he go to then? We don't even know where dad is, and he can't just be left alone in the circus without a guardian. They're gonna take him and put him into one of those horrendous orphanages or even worse put him i-"

"Edin, stop it! " Jake yelled out making me snap my head up to him with widened eyes, "just calm down."

"He can yell," I muttered in shock.

"Jake's right, calm down," Heeseung nodded at me, "we'll figure it out. Don't worry about it."

"Do you know what they do with kids who don't have any guardians? They put them in orphanages," I reminded him.

"Through which he'll find a lovely family," Sunoo nodded at me.

"No, no, no. No one wants a kid above ten, he'll be trapped in that orphanage until he is eigthteen, not only that but he will be forced into public school, he has never gone to one. The food they serve at those places are so incredibly boring. It's almost like a jail," I stated.

"It's gonna be fine," Jungwon assured before walking over and crouching down in front of me and patting my head, "now there's not even a year between us."

"Wait... should I then still call you noona?" Sunoo frowned as he looked over at me.

"You never had to," I shook my head at him with a small smile.

"I think we should order takeout," Niki stated, "especially noona's comfort foods."

"You do have to gain," Jake nodded over at me, "cashew chicken?"

"Oooh, it sounds really good right now," I nodded at him making him quickly stand up and grab his phone.

"I'm gonna go order then," he stated with a wide grin before running off.

"Feel better now?" Heeseung looked over at me.

"A bit," I shrugged with a small nod.

"I think Sunghoon hyung's reaction had an effect on her," Sunoo stated as I just nodded and placed my chin on my knees.

"Eh, who cares?" Jungwon waved it off.

"Yeah, we all know that Sunghoon hyung can't be mad at her," Niki nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of which," Jay started off as he returned once more and shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked over at me, "Sunghoon is mad... quite mad actually. I tried to explain to him, but he absolutely refused to listen."

"Great," I muttered with a small sigh.

"As I said... who cares?" Jungwon questioned making me look over at him with a small smile, "noona is much better."

"Maybe not take sides in this," I pointed out to him.

"Oh yeah... right... forgot," he realized making me let out a small laugh at him, "but it's gonna be fine. He can't last long without you."

"We'll see," I shrugged at him.

Catch Me (P.Sh) [Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now