Chapter 2: An Interesting Encounter

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~Kokichi's POV~

I was just about to succeed with the robbery, but someone had to stop me! He's probably just like the rest, giving up after one failed attempt. Oh well, at least he's good looking. Anyway, he still has the taser aimed at me. Doesn't he realise he needs to be closer for that to do any damage? I saw a gun sticking out of his pocket, but he's probably too much of a wimp to use that.

"So, whatcha gonna do now huh?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going to turn you in," he says, shaking a bit.

Wait! I recognize that voice, no is that actually Shuichi? I always hoped we would cross paths again. This is very intriguing!

"You'll have to try harder than that, Detective!" I shouted.

I inserted the key in the keyhole and opened the vent. I heard him running up behind me. I need to get him out of the way, but how? I looked around and thought of a genius idea! I let him walk over and pin me against the wall. I don't remember him being so confident! He took out the handcuffs from his pocket. I punched him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. He groaned in pain. I took the cuffs out of his hand and cuffed his hands together.

"H-hey! That's-"

I cut him off by putting a cloth over his mouth, he immediately passed out. That was easier than I thought! I smirked and grabbed the money stuffing it into a bag. I lugged the bag over my shoulder and looked back over at Shuichi.

"Until we meet again my beloved Shumai," I mumbled as I jumped out the window.

I landed on the ground and walked over to my ten(nine) subordinates. 

"You took longer than usual boss, what took you so long?" Shota asked. He had a red afro and was a little on the bigger side. His outfit resembled a straight jacket and had a checkered scarf over top. He also wore a clown mask covering his whole face.

"Some detective tried to stop me but failed, same old same old," I answered with a sigh.

"You sound like you want to get caught," Yoshiko commented.

She had light brown hair that was in pigtails. She was also wearing an outfit that resembled a straight jacket with a little skirt. A checkered scarf to top it off. Also don't forget the clown mask that covered the top half of her face.

"Of course I don't want to be caught, but it would be nice for someone to actually chase after me continuously for once," I complained.

"We should probably leave soon, we're wasting enough valuable time as it is," Satoshi commanded.

His clothes consisted of the same things with a clown mask as well. He had short blond hair and was one of the tallest members.

We all nodded and got in the limo we stole oh so long ago. We took off our masks.

"So boss what's the plan for the next heist?" Taishi asked.

"I'm not completely sure, but somewhere more crowded and where we can steal something reeeaaally expensive!" I said.

"How about that art show that this girl Angie Yonaga is holding? There will be many priceless paintings, and some probably cost a fortune." He added.

My face lit up with glee. I looked like a very excited little kid.

"Sounds perfect!" I smiled.

I might also do something that I've never done before. I don't want Shuichi to just ditch me after one fail! It's been so long and why not have some fun? I'll leave him a little hint at his doorstep about the next heist. I know where he lives, thanks to the countless times he tried to invite me over after school. This will be fun! Shuichi you better be prepared for anything, 'cause I'm never going easy on ya, even if you are adorable!

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