Chapter 11: Investigation Time

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~Shuichi's POV~

It was the day after the heist. As always there was a clue on my doorstep about the next one. I already informed the people who were being robbed. They're prepared. It's not until tomorrow. Today I decided to look into Hiroto's murder. All I know is that Ichi was framed. I was sitting in my office. I looked at the one paper we had about the case. All we know is that he wore a DICE uniform and clown mask. He got assigned the Phantom Thief case. A week later he went missing. He was missing for five months until they found his body in a dark alley. The fatal injury was a blow to the head. He was also shot in his arm four times. The bullet holes apparently made a symbol if you connect them. The one picture of the body wasn't good quality, so I went to the autopsy office. I knocked on the door. A purple haired girl opened it.

"C-Can I h-help you?" She asked.

"Do you have the autopsy reports on Hiroto Aiuchi?" I answered.

"Y-Yes, but a-at the m-moment I-I gave them to s-someone else," She said.

"Who has them?"

"K-Kyoko Kirigiri."

"Okay thank you, Tsumiki."

"Y-You're welcome Saihara."

I walked out of the room to Kirigiri's office. I knocked on the door. She opened it.

"Yes Saihara?"

"Tsumiki said you had the autopsy reports on Hiroto."

"She is correct, and I assume you want to look at them together, so we can find the true killer."


"Let's get to work then."

She took out a file containing the reports. She opened it and layed out everything that was inside.

"The murder weapon was most likely a bat considering the wound," Kirigiri mumbled.

"What about the other wounds?" I wondered aloud.

"What other wounds?" She questioned.

"There's four shots on his arm. It seems to form some symbol."

"Tsumiki never took note of that and the pictures don't show it."

"Is the body still intact?"

"Yes, but seeing a dead body can be pretty scaring are you sure Saihara?"


We walked back to Tsumiki's office. She knocked on the door. Tsumiki opened it and motioned for us to come in. We walked inside. Kirigiri told Tsumiki that we needed to see Hiroto's body. Tsumiki nodded and we followed her to his body. We entered the morgue and she opened the door his body was in. She took off the white sheet covering it. She then stumbled out of the room. I looked at his right arm. I looked at the bullet holes. What kind of symbol could it be?

"Kirigiri, I think I figured it out," I exclaimed. 

"What symbol is it?" She asked.

"It forms a Y," I stated.

"Then I think we know our culprit," Kirigiri said matter of factly.

"Yeah it's the Yakuza," I agreed.

"Only one Yakuza group uses bats to kill which is the Kuzuryu clan."

"Yes, they must've had some grudge against DICE."

She nodded and put the sheet back over Hiroto's body. I closed the door and we left the room.

"Did the leader of the clan kill him?" I questioned.

"No, He never does the killing, he only orders others to. It wasn't his personal guard either, she only kills with stab wounds or a blow to the head from a bamboo sword," Kirigiri replied.

"So we can narrow it down to just one of the many clan members?" I said.

Kirigiri nodded.

"On to a new topic, did you figure out where the thief will strike next?"

"Yes, some kind of gym is opening up tomorrow. It will be owned by these two men named Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Mondo Owada."

"Oh I am very well acquainted with them. What will he steel?"

"Mondo's most prized dumbbell I believe."

"Saihara, I would like you to stay behind this time. I want to make sure that is never stolen."

"Y-Yes Kirigiri, I understand."

We kept talking until it was time to go home. I waved goodbye and drove back to my house. I got there and saw a note on my doorstep. I picked it up and unfolded it.

"Dear Saihara-chan,

It's Ichi here. So, you know how I already sent you the clue for the next heist? Well, that may or may not happen. Just keep a lookout mkay? Before you go crazy lemme explain. So, I have a really bad feeling that something will happen soon. If that something happens to you, I'm helping you out whether you like it or not! If it happens to me then I'm begging for your help. Whatever hell I experience, save me from it! Be my hero, you always were.

Ichi (Phantom Thief) <3

P.S: If you haven't figured out my identity by now then how the fuck are you an Ultimate detective?"

Now that I look at his handwriting. I figured it out! Ichi's real name must be...Kokichi Ouma. It all makes sense now. Why his lips felt familiar. Why he was also so lovable. Why he always made me flustered. Why the way he said certain things reminded me of Kokichi. The name I call him is really just a nickname. I can't believe I didn't notice this sooner! Kokichi I hope you're safe.

With that, I went to bed.

~Time skip brought to you by Ishimondo~

I woke up and got ready for the day. Today's heist was earlier than usual. The gym opens at 12:00pm, so that's when the heist is. I looked at the watch on my wrist. It's currently 10:30am. I should probably go to Kirigiri's house soon. She did want to go together this time. I walked to my car and drove to her house. I got there and texted her about my arrival. Kirigiri came out and sat in the passenger's seat. She buckled her seatbelt and we drove to the gym. We arrived and it was 11:30am. We got out of the car. Kirigiri went over to her husband, Makoto Naegi, who was also acquainted with the owners. I spoke with the two men. They told me that security is definitely a lot stronger now. I bet Ichi will show up either way. I guess I should say Kokichi, but I would like to confirm it's him at some point. It was now 11:58am. Two minutes went by. Nothing happened except Ishimaru and Owada cutting the big ribbon at the door. After that everyone was enjoying themselves by talking and working out. No sign of DICE nor Kokichi. For some weird reason I wish they were here. I know I have feelings for Kokichi, but I don't want anything to get stolen. Something must've happened and I'm scared to find out what did.

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