Chapter 7: Seeing an Old Friend

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~Shuichi's POV~

I woke up to birds chirping outside. I didn't have to go to work today. My uncle knew that these past couple days of chasing after Ichi have taken a lot out of me. I got up and changed into a dark blue hoodie and jeans. I started hearing my phone ringing. I picked it up and it said some unknown was calling me. I hesitantly answered it.

"Saihara-chan is that you?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yes, who is this?" I questioned.

"It's me Kokichi Ouma silly," the voice replied.

"Ouma-kun? I forgot that I gave you my number after we broke up," I said.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out at the park to catch up?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Hmmm. Does 2:00pm work for you?"


"K see you then Saihara-chan."

"Bye Ouma-kun."

He hung up and I put my phone in my pocket. I ate some breakfast and walked over to my evidence board. I put a sticky note on the picture of the dice logo.

"Would do anything to get information out of me. I should be more careful around them," is what it said.

I put another sticky note on the news article.

"Framed," is what it read.

I then got out a notebook and ripped a page out. I wrote everything that could be hints to Ichi's real identity. I pinned it on the board and connected it to the sketch of Ichi with a red string.

"Shorter than you'd think

Definitely male

His lips felt familiar

They way he says certain things reminds me of someone

He acts childish but seems to be somewhere around my age."

That was the whole list I wrote.

After that I looked at my wristwatch. It read 1:50pm. I put on some black vans and headed to the park. I arrived and looked around for Ouma-kun.

"Saihara-chan over here," he yelled, waving at me while jumping up and down.

I walked over to him. He wore a white hoodie with jeans and a checked scarf.

"Hi Ouma-kun, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"I'm good."

"Let's go for a walk Saihara-chan!"

Ouma-kun took my hand and we started walking around the park.

"So you got any new cases?"

"Yeah, I'm currently chasing down the Phantom Thief."

"Ooo I've heard about him on news a few times."

"Yeah he sure is something."

"What do you mean by that Saihara-chan?"

"Ah, nevermind."

"Soo how are things with Kaeyayday?"

"Not great she broke up with me recently over some small argument. She gets jealous so easily and doesn't accept the fact I'm bi. Sure we kind of made up yesterday, but she still needs to chill out sometimes."

"That's rough buddy."

"How are things with Rantaro?"

"Oh we ended things after graduation. It just wasn't working out."

"I guess we're both single then."


We kept talking when a random bug landed on Ouma-kun's shoulder. He immediately jumped into my arms. The bug flew off.

"Yay! Saihara-chan is my hero," he cheered.

I smiled sheepishly as my face became flustered.

"Anyway, are space idiot and killer bitch married yet?" He asked.

"Yeah they've been married for two years I believe," I responded.

"Those meanies didn't invite me to the wedding," he pouted.

"I asked them to invite you but I guess they never did."

"Those bitches!"

We continued chatting until it got pretty dark.

"Hey Saihara-chan, do you mind if I stay the night at your place?"

"Not at all."

We walked to my small house. We walked inside and Ouma-kun walked over to my evidence board.

"Is this everything you know about the thief?" he asked.

I nodded. I remember while we dated he helped a lot with my cases.

"We should probably get to bed soon," I said.

I walked to my room and Ouma-kun followed. He borrowed one or my pajamas. Obviously it was way too big on him, but it looked adorable.

"Where should I sleep Saihara-chan?" He questioned.

"Well the floor is very uncomfortable. But there is a couch in my room so will that work?"

He nodded and I handed him a blanket. He bundled himself up on the couch. I curled up in my bed. I fell into a comfortable sleep.

~Later in la evening~

I woke up and heard sniffles coming from Ouma-kun. He was mumbling "I'm sorry," in his sleep. I walked over to him. I softly shook him awake. His violet eyes fluttered open.

"S-Saihara-chan? Do you hate me?" He asked.

"No Ouma-kun I could never hate you," I answered.

"The way we broke up says otherwise," he mumbled.

I regret what I said back then so much. It was one petty argument. That ended everything. I thought we would never talk again after that day and yet here we are.

"Ouma-kun, that was years ago I forgive you and I regret everything I did. I'm so sorry."

I cupped his cheek as he smiled a little.

"I'll forgive if you call me Kokichi for once. You never even did that when we dated."

"I'm sorry K-Kokichi."

"I forgive you Shuichi! If you're okay with me calling you that."

"Of course."

I was about to walk back over to my bed when I felt Kokichi tug at my shirt.

"Please stay," he pleaded quietly.

I nodded and cuddled up with him on the couch. He buried his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. We both fell into a comfortable sleep. I think today proved I still have feelings for him. I doubt he feels the same. Maybe one day we'll get back together.

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