Chapter 15: Just in Time

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~Shuichi's POV~

Kokichi and I quickly made it to where they were supposed to meet up. Which was the cafe. Kirigiri had her back turned to Kaede as she was looking at her notes. Kokichi and I slowly walked over to their table. Kaede pulled out a little vile from her pocket. I started to quicken my pace. Kaede opened the vial and poured the contents quietly into Kirigiri's drink. She put the empty vile back into her pocket. Kirigiri turned back around and took a sip of her drink. She immediately fell from her seat and clutched her stomach. I ran over to her.

"Oh Shuichi, how kind of you to join us," Kaede exclaimed.

"What did you put in Kirigiri's drink?" I asked.

"Just a little something to make it taste better," she lied.

"Tell us the truth," Kokichi demanded from behind her.

"Oh, Kokichi! How's life without your little gang being around?" She questioned smirking.

"Oh shut up Bitchmatsu!"

Kokichi took out a dart gun and shot it at Kaede. It hit her neck and she fell to the ground.

"Don't worry she's just knocked out. I can't kill her, even though I want to."

I picked up Kirigiri.

"How far is the hospital from here?" I asked.

"A few blocks," Kokichi replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Koki now isn't the time to get jealous. Kirigiri has a husband calm down."

He smiled a bit as we exited the cafe.                     

~Le time skip brought to you by Kyoko's gloves~

We arrived at the hospital. We were talking with a doctor about the situation.

"Does she have any close relatives?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, her husband Makoto Naegi," I responded.

"Please let him know of the situation."

I nodded. The doctor led Kirigiri out of the waiting room. I quickly dialed Naegi's number. Kirigiri had given it to me in case something were to happen to her while on duty. Naegi picked up right away.

"Hello, Saihara," he greeted happily.

"Hi, Naegi. I have some bad news," I said.

"What is it?" He asked, his tone of voice immediately changing.

"Kirigiri has gotten poisoned and is currently in the hospital."

"I'm on my way!"

He hung up. I put my phone in my pocket. A few tears fell down my face. Kokichi put a hand on my cheek and wiped them away. I smiled at the gesture.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Kirigiri, your partner, is a badass. One little sip of poison won't be enough to take her down!"

I nodded. He took my hand and guided us to a pair of seats in the waiting room. He sat down and patted the seat next to him. I sat down. He intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. A few minutes later Makoto arrived and sat on the other side of me. He smiled at us, but it was obviously forced. His eyes were red and puffy. His face was also stained from numerous tears.

~Switch to Makoto's POV~

I heard Saihara sniffle a few times. Ouma squeezed his hand and whispered words of reassurance into his ear. I wish someone could do the same for me. Sadly the person who usually does is currently in a hospital room. Is Kiri okay? I knew when she left to go see Akamatsu something felt off. I should've convinced her to stay home. I'm such a terrible husband. Wait, it's not like me to think so negatively. How can I think any different when it's about Kyoko? She's the one person in this world that always brightens up my day just by being alive. She supports me in every decision I make. She helps me fix any problems in my life. Whenever something's wrong she drops everything and goes to me straight away. She's so beautiful. Her lavender locks always flow so perfectly. Her purple eyes always shine like the night sky. I love everything about her. Even the burns and scars all over her hands. Those show how strong she has become. If I lost her I wouldn't know what to do. I can't live without her. If she left me I would join her in a heartbeat. Wherever she goes I will follow, no matter how far away that may be. I know she wouldn't want me to throw my life away like that, but there's no point in living when she's gone.

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