Chapter 4: Time to Paint a Pretty Picture

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~Kokichi's POV~

I woke up at the DICE headquarters. Which is basically home to all the members. My room had purple walls and a checkered bed. On the other side was an empty bed. There were posters all over the walls. Some bean bag chairs. I walked over to the side that looked dull. It lost all personality after he left. I miss him so much everyday. I don't still have feelings for a dead man, but he still holds a place in my heart. Hiroto Aiuchi, why did they have to kill you?! I sighed and picked up the teddy bear he gave me the day he died. I named it Angel in honor of him. I walked out of my room into Miu's room. She was working on inventions for the next heist. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It's your favorite person, cum slut," I yelled.

"First of all you're my least favorite, lying piece of shit! Also, just come in," She responded.

I walked in and looked over at her. She wore a completely white sailor dress with a checkered bow over top. On her dress were some kind of strap things over her torso and a little past her left shoulder. She had black fingerless gloves on. Her hair was a bright blonde with some goggles on her head. Her eyes were a very revolting blue color. Lastly, she had white knee socks with black boots as well.

"So what brings you here?" She asked.

"Just making sure you made what I wanted," I replied.

"Yeah I got it."

She picked up a hot pink switchblade and handed it to me. It wasn't just any normal switchblade. It can only cut paintings off walls. Which is obviously perfect for this heist in particular.

"The design is an eyesore, bitch," I yelled disgustedly.

"Whatever, just be grateful that this gorgeous girl genius decided to help you," She argued.

"Well bye whore," I said.

"See ya dick," She yelled.

I put the switchblade in my pocket. I looked over at a clock in the hallway. It read 1:30p.m. Dang I slept in late. I walked over to the kitchen.

"You're finally eating something, boss," Maeko said with a slight shock.

She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore the same outfit as the rest of the members.

"Yeah surprisingly," I said.

I walked over to the cupboard and took out the cereal box. I opened the fridge and got out the milk. I walked over to the cupboard again and tried to grab a bowl. But I was too short and unable to reach one. Maeko giggled while I kept trying to reach it.

"Hey maybe stop laughing and help me out here," I yelled.

"Yeah, I got you boss," She replied.

She reached up and grabbed a bowl and handed it to me.

"I can't believe a short prick like you is somehow our leader," Rin shouted laughing.

"Hey! How many times do I have to repeat myself?! If you make fun my height one more it's time out for you Rin," I argued.

"Cmon boss, Miu does it all the time and she doesn't get punishments!"

"That's because she's my closet bitch in this place, so she's lucky."

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

Rin walked away. She was wearing the same get up and had blonde hair that faded into a light purple.

I poured myself some cereal and started eating.  I finished eating and walked to Satoshi's room. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Which lowly human is wasting my time?" He asked.

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