Chapter 14: Can I Really be Happy Again?

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~Kokichi's POV~

I woke up cradled in Shuichi's arms. He was already awake, and he looked concerned.

"Why the long face?" I asked.

"Ah, I was just thinking," he said timidly.

"I didn't mean to scare ya. Also, what're you thinking about?"

"Well I need to figure out who killed all those DICE members. So, I was reviewing the crime scene in my head. But the bodies were obviously moved, so I got nothing."

I was hoping this wouldn't come up. I know he'll feel so betrayed to find out Akamatsu was the culprit. They dated for a year, his longest relationship. He also said they just made up recently. I can't tell him not yet, it'll hurt him too much.

"Well I don't really remember who it was,"

I lied.

If I wasn't an expert at this thing. Then I would've looked mighty suspicious.

"Let's just eat breakfast shall we?" He asked.

I hummed in response. We both got out of the covers and went to the kitchen. I started making some scrambled eggs with bacon.

"Kokichi, you can cook things besides sweets?"


I put Shuichi's breakfast on a plate and placed it down in front of him.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey Shumai!"

He smiled and started eating.

I sat down next to him and started eating as well.

"So, what should we do today Koki?"

"Stawp with cute nicknames Shumai! I can't think when you're so adorable!"

"How can I be adorable when you already own that title?"

My face immediately became a tomato. Shuichi chuckled and continued eating. I sighed and said, "We could go to the park, just like old times. Let's call it a date."

Shuichi hummed in response.

We finished eating and went to change. Good thing I stopped in the hideout to get some of my clothes.

I changed into my old DICE uniform. Which resembled a straight jacket, and had many colorful buttons all over. There were straps on my white pants that had little buckles. To top it off I was about to tie my checkered scarf. But someone bursted through the door.

"Kokichi, guess what," Shuichi said out of breath.

"What, beloved?" I asked.

"I got reservations for a really fancy restaurant for dinner!"


He smiled then looked at me with a worried expression. He saw it didn't he?

"Kokichi what's that on your neck?"

"Just a scar I got from bullies back in middle school. You can read what it says."

He walked closer to me and looked at it. He suddenly kissed it then hugged me.

"Kokichi I love every part of you. All your bad traits are actually good ones. Don't ever let anyone make you think less of yourself!"

I closed the gap between our lips. I pulled away and smiled.

"I love everything about you too Shumai!"

I put my scarf on and we walked out the door. Shuichi was wearing a dark blue pinstripe jacket with dark blue striped pants.

We arrived at the park and sat down at the fountain.

"Do you think Space dumbass and  Murder bitch would approve of us Shuichi?" I questioned.

"I think they'll be shocked at first, but hopefully everyone will warm up to each other," Shuichi stated.

"I dunno they sure hate me. Especially since I didn't get invited to their wedding. Even when you, their best friend asked them to."

"We'll see what the future will bring."

"Hey Shuichi do you remember when we first met in high school?"

"Like it was yesterday. Why would you like me to refresh your memory?"

"Ya know what, sure."

"We saw each other during lunch. You recognized me from class and said," he then did an impression of me.

"'You're the emo boy in my class right? Sushi Shyhara?'"

"My voice was not that squeaky!"

"Mm sure. How about you tell the rest?"

"Alright, I remember you saying," I proceeded to do an impression of him.

"'I-I'm not emo! A-Also my name is a-actually Shuichi Saihara.'"

"Is my voice really that deep?"

"Yuh it is!"

Shuichi chuckled.

"That was eight years ago," he stated.

"Wow that's pretty lengthy," I said.

Shuichi looked at his watch.

"We should probably get going."

"Okie doki!"

We both quickly went back home and changed. Then, we arrived at the restaurant. Shuichi wore a black suit coat with a white dress shirt underneath. Also, black pants and a black, blue, and white striped tie.

I wore a white suit jacket with a purple dress shirt underneath. White pants and my signature checkered scarf. It was tied in the front and held together by a gold ring.

We sat down at a table and ordered drinks.

"So, Shumai can ya tell me all the juicy details about what happened during the four years we were apart!"

"Well, I became a full time detective at my uncle's agency. I mostly worked on cases about missing pets and people. Rarely I did murder investigations. The rest you already know. How about you?"

"DICE and I prepared everything for me to become ya know what. Miu joined DICE, she is the newest member. Once, I started making a name for myself, I ran into a detective with pink hair and glasses. His name was Hiroto Aiuichi. He almost caught me during a heist. Instead of turning me in he joined DICE. During that time him and I dated. Then, ya know the rest."

I didn't realise I was crying until I felt Shuichi's hand on my cheek. He wiped some tears with his thumb.

"It's okay, you're not alone. You can carry on their memory in your heart, and keep on living. It's going to be hard, but I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Thanks Shumai! You're the best boyfriend ever!"

"Y-You're welcome Kimchi."

"Aww is my emo boyfriend blushing?"

"N-No I'm not!"

I laughed and Shuichi pouted.

"Oh, Kokichi I forgot to mention. Kyoko might be able to find a lead on the mastermind behind everything recently."

"Oh really? How so?"

"Well, Kaede told Kyoko that she might know. They're going to meet up at 8:00pm tonight in the cafe."

"A-Akamatsu-chan?! N-No! Anyone but her!"
"Kokichi, what's wrong?"

"Akamatsu-chan is the person who killed and tortured all of them. I didn't tell you because I knew you would feel so betrayed and hurt. She might try and kill Kyoko or worse! We need to stop Akamatsu before it's too late!"

"Yeah We should go."

We quickly paid, and went to Kyoko. We better make it on time! We have to do whatever it takes to stop all of this ongoing despair!

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