Chapter 22: Taking the Next Step

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~Shuichi's POV~

Today's the day. The day where I do something I never thought I would. Especially with another guy, but I don't mind.

Besides, I love him more than anything else in the world. He's always so adorable with his childish behavior. His bright lavender eyes that sparkle so beautifully. His messy and lovable purple hair. Also how smooth and sweet his lips feel on mine. The way he always draws me in, making me want to learn every little thing. Also, I just feel so much more relaxed whenever I'm around him. He's the one. He's the man I love and nothing will ever change that.

What I'm about to do could turn out one of two ways. It could either be the best decision in my life or the worst. I guess there's only one way to find out.

I better not mess this up because of how nervous I am.

Anyway, I heard humming and felt something on top of me. I woke up startled and saw a little ball of fur on my chest. It was Dice waking me up. The humming came from Kokichi cooking something in the kitchen. Dice walked off my chest and jumped down from the bed to the kitchen. I followed her. When I walked in it smelled so delicious.

"Oh good morning Shumai," Kokichi greeted.

"Good morning Kimchi. What are you cooking?" I responded.

"Pancakes! But not just any pancakes. It's chocolate chip pancakes!"

"That's a lot of sugar."

"Yeah, I made you some plain ones because I thought you would get diabetes from just one bite."

I chuckled. "I wouldn't say that but thank you."

"Anyway, they're on a plate over there."

He pointed at a plate on the counter right by a seat. The plate had three perfectly stacked pancakes on it. One fork and knife were right next to it. Followed by a glass of milk. I sat down in the chair. There was some syrup on my plate as well. I started cutting up the pancakes. I took the first bite and it tasted so amazing that I immediately stuffed the rest into my mouth.

"So I'm guessing you liked it," Kokichi said laughing a little.

"I loved it. I never knew you were such a good little chef," I pointed out.

He blushed very slightly. Then started eating from his plate. Once he was done he put both of our plates in the sink to wash later.

"So Shuichi what time is our date going to be? I was planning on visiting my organization's hideout later today. To let them know that I'm okay and hang out a bit. But, if you me to do it tomorrow instead then I will."

"I was thinking once we both get ready for the day we could do it now."


We both went and got changed. I put on a light blue button-up shirt that had rolled up sleeves. (If you see that I'm referencing Sherlock Holmes' outfit in the TV show please be my friend.)
With a pair of black jeans. I've stopped wearing my hat ever since what Kokichi said. It's currently buried in a drawer. I walked over to where Kokichi was changing. Which is my spare bedroom that no one uses. He's only in it when he's changing or wants to be alone. Both of those events are kind of rare. I knocked on the door softly.

"Kokichi, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yuppers," he replied.

He walked out wearing a white shirt that had three buttons at the top. His pants were blue jeans and his checkered scarf to top it off.

"Then let's go."

We left the house. I had Kyoko take care of Dice while we were gone. I arranged all of it beforehand.

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