Chapter 12: I'm All Alone Now and I Always Will Be

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~Kokichi's POV~

TW: Blood, Gore, Torture, and Death

I woke up with my wrists restrained against the wall. My legs were tied together so tightly I couldn't move. Duct was over my mouth preventing me from saying a word. How did I get here? All I remember was that it was the day after I robbed Sonia's ball. Then I felt strong pain on the back of my head. I slipped into unconsciousness and ended up here. Wait, the smell and feel of this place is familiar. Oh no, I'm in the Yakuza torture chamber. Where Hiroto was killed. Is this where I will meet my demise as well? Maybe, but does anyone out there really care for me? There's Shuichi, but he probably doesn't have any idea of my real identity because of how dense he is. There's also DICE please let them all be okay!

"Oh you're awake," I heard someone say.

They came out of the shadows and I was completely shocked. Akamatsu-chan is working with the Yakuza? Or did she brainwash them and they all work for her? The second one seems more accurate.

"So Kokichi fucking Ouma. You remember your crimes don't you?" She asked.

She removed the duct tape partly, so I could answer,

"I've done a lot of crimes, care to jog my memory?"

She groaned and put the duct tape back on.

"You stole Shuichi from me! Also, thanks to you my sister is dead!"

Oh yeah right that. I didn't directly murder her, but that story is for another day.

"Today I'll take my revenge by showing you what it's like to feel true despair!"

She laughed maniacally then gave some dude a signal. He left then came back with Rin. No! They took DICE too! What is Akamatsu-chan going to do with them?!

The man dropped Rin onto the ground.

"So, Kokichi, which death do you prefer? Stabbing, decapitation, or blow to the head?"

I stayed silent.

"B-Boss I'm sorry for everything," I heard Rin's last words.

Akamatsu took out a knife and stabbed her right in the chest. Rin fell limp onto the ground and died instantly. Blood from the wound spilled all over her clothes and the floor.

"First one dead four more to go," Akamatsu said in a sing-song voice.

The man left then came back with Daisuke. Oh wait I haven't said a thing about them in this fanfic. Well they're a little on the fat side. Also, they're very short. They wear the same shit as everyone else. They're very shy, but a big softie around us. You love them now right? Well, I guess this is just bad luck for the both of us.

Akamatsu took out a big ass hammer. She hit Daisuke's head with the hammer very hard. They fell to the ground and died.

"This is fun isn't it?" Akamatsu questioned.

The man, let's just name him Joe. Joe brought back Shohei. Bitchmatsu picked up a saw. She slowly sawed off Shohei's head. 

"Boss, I'll miss you," Shohei mumbled.

I gave a little nod in response.

His head was completely sawed off. Both parts of him fell onto the floor. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. Joe left then came back with Taishi. Bitchmatsu tied a rope around his neck then hung him from the ceiling. He was clawing at the rope, trying to take it off. He failed and his head tilted down. He was dead. One more to go. Joe brought out Yamoto. Akamatsu poured gasoline all over him. Then she took out a box of matches. She lit one and threw it at him. His whole body became engulfed in flames. I heard him screaming for help. Even his screams sounded like a song, a horrifying melody.

Then, I passed out from crying so much.

~Timeskip brought to you by Joemama~

Akamatsu screamed to wake me up. I jumped slightly from who loud she was.

"Aww did I scare you?" She asked laughing.

I rolled my eyes. What other shit does this bitch have in store?  She clapped her hands, and a screen turned on. The screen showed Satoshi tied to a chair. I closed my eyes, but Joe used these silver things to keep my eyes open. A man on the screen with darker skin and brown hair stood in front of Satoshi. He took out a scalpel. He then started leaving multiple cuts on Satoshi's arms. Satoshi winced and groaned in pain. The man then did some on his legs. Satoshi screamed a blood-curdling scream. The screen turned foggy.

"Ouch, how unfortunate," Akamatsu commented.

The screen now showed Yoshiko tied up on a table. The same man put the cloth over her face. He started pouring water on top of the cloth. I heard silent cries for help. The man stopped and removed the cloth. The screen became foggy once again.

"Silent but deadly, well sorta," Akamatsu mumbled.

The screen now displayed Shota tied to a chair. The same man, let's call him Kyle. Kyle took out a lighter and put it against Shota's arm. He started getting many burns all over. He screamed and cried in agony. I screamed even though it was muffled. None of them deserve any of this despair. I'm so weak and helpless that all I can do is sit back and watch. Watch the blood spill. Watch everyone's terrified faces. Hear their ear-piercing screams. Hear their last words. Watch them desperately try to escape the pain and death. It's so unbearable each second. But I have no choice but to watch. I can't look away. I can't close my eyes. Lastly, I can't beg for them to stop or plead for help. I'm just weak and pathetic.

The screen now presented Maeko standing in an empty room. Spiders started crawling on the floor then started crawling all over her. She frantically tries to get them off but more and more kept crawling onto her. She screamed until she passed out in fear. The screen changed one last time. Miu appeared on the screen standing in front of her best creation. It was a robot named Kiigirl. Similar to Kiibo, the ultimate robot. Except this one showed more feminine traits. Kyle pressed a button and Kiigirl's eyes became red. Kiigirl then started torturing Miu in numerous ways from burning to electrocution. Miu screamed and begged for her to stop. She kept going until Miu fainted from all her injuries.

Each member met their fate the ones that aren't dead are most likely mindless slaves thanks to the everlasting torture.

I truly have no one left. Akamatsu was right; she made me feel true distress, misery, and despair. The sadness I felt was more than I could bear. They made it so I could close my eyes again. I immediately fell asleep.

~Timeskip brought to you by "What the fuck is up Kyle?!"~

I woke up in a dark alley. The bodies of my dead DICE members.

"You all were the best family I could have goodbye," I mumbled.

I quickly ran away from their bodies. I don't really have anywhere to go. Wait, nevermind I didn't get knocked out in the hideout I should be fine there! I went there and cried myself to sleep clutching Angel.

A/N: I love how I was writing the torture scenes while blasting Disney music!!

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