Chapter 6: Bidi Bobidi Failure

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~Kokichi's POV~

I made it back to the DICE hideout. I walked into my room. I heard knocking on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me dick," Miu answered.

"Oh bitchlet come in," I said.

Miu walked inside and closed the door.

"Where were you?" She questioned.

"Just went to Saihara-chan's place someone needed to warn him about your plans."

"Kich you know it wasn't my idea, Shohei planned everything. I told you because I knew it was wrong to double cross you like this."

"Yeah, yeah you're good. Everyone else though will have some serious consequences."

She sighed and waved before leaving the room. I won't punish her, Maeko, or Shota. If Miu didn't tell me that they wanted to tell me but were too scared I would. What kind of punishment would it even be though? Oh I have a perfect idea! I looked at my phone and it read 3:40pm.  It's a fifteen minute drive to where the heist is. Welp time to go.

~At le magic show~

"Now please welcome the best mage in Japan Himiko Yumeno," Chabashira-chan announced.

The curtains opened revealing me not Yumeno-chan.

"I think you meant best thief in Japan," I commented.

"What did you do to Himiko, degenerate male?" She questioned.

"What, I'm innocent," I answered, putting my hands up.

"Keep your hands there thief," Some lilac haired girl yelled while pointing a gun at me.

Isn't that Saihara-chan's partner?

"Now answer this question where is Yumeno?" She asked.

"She's still backstage crying cause I stole this stupid thing," I replied.

"Show me what you stole," Miss Detective commanded.

I took out the wand in my pocket. Chabashira-chan slapped my cheek before she ran to Yumeno-chan.

"Ouch!" I groaned.

"A bullet would be a lot more painful. Hand over the wand or else."

"Jeez lady chill this is wayyy to boring with my little Saihara-chan! But oh well if you want the wand then let's play a game!"

"What kind of game?"

"A game of catch me if you can! If you catch me I'll give you this stick. If you don't then too bad!"

I started running while she chased me. We made it to a dead end of course I did that on purpose.

"Aw shit you caught me!"

She snacted the wand from my hand.

"Saihara told me not to arrest you tonight you're lucky he went to a different destination."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me to go here while he went to a different address you sent him in a letter."

"I didn't send him an address, it must've been DICE ugh!"

"Well then I won't question it and I'm guessing you want Saihara's whereabouts?"

"Uh yeah!"

She told me where he was. I quickly ran there, it was the building right behind the magic show. She also told me he'd be in room 11037. I went there and opened the door. The room was very dark. I felt the wall for a light switch and the room lit up. Inside was nothing besides a certain emo detective tied to a chair sleeping peacefully. Ugh that beautiful idiot. I was about to walk over when I tripped and alarms went off. Shohei came bursting into the room.

"B-Boss," He stuttered.

He wore the same uniform and had tan hair covering his left eye on his clown mask.

"Oh, should I come back another time? Saihara-chan seems a little tied up at the moment," I said.

"Boss please don't be angry."

"Well a little birdy already told me about you guys double crossing me. So I'm pissed now let him go!"

"But Boss, we can finally get some information."

"This isn't right! Also what if I don't want that information?"

"I never thought of that. Anyway, I'm sorry we're all really sorry!"

"We can talk about this later. It seems like a certain sleeping beauty is about to wake up soon."

Just as I said that Saihara-chan's eyes fluttered open. He tried to speak but it was muffled because of the duct tape I just now noticed. I walked over and took it off. He gasped for air then cleared his throat.

"Ichi, why am I tied up?" He asked.

"Well it wasn't my doing. I came here to save you and punish the people responsible," I answered.

Then I untied him. He tried to stand up but instead he fell into my arms.

"Welp, should I carry you home prince charming?~" I teased.

Saihara-chan immediately hid his tomato-like face under his hat. I took that as a yes and walked out the building carrying him. His house was maybe a 30 minute walk from the building so it was tiring! When I arrived he handed me the key and I walked to his bedroom. I laid him down on his bed.

"Man, you're heavy Saihara-Chan," I exclaimed.

He kept quiet, his face still buried in that stupid hat.

"At least let me see your handsome face before I have to leave! C'mon please,"I pouted.

"Fine," He whispered.

He was about to move his hat up before I swiped it off his head.

"How about we switch hats for the night?" I questioned.

"Ichi, maybe another time, but please give it back. It's very important," He said shyly.

"Why is it sooo important?"

"You have your secrets, I have mine."

"Hmph, you're no fun, but I won't invade your personal life, so here."

Handed him his hat back.

"I best be off to deliver everyone in DICE a veeery long time out!"

"See you soon Ichi."

"Wait before I go I do have a question Saihara-chan."

"What is it?"

"Why did you tell that other detective lady not to arrest me. She could've very easily done it."

"I told Kirigiri not to arrest you because I want to be the one who does that."

"Saihara-chan I saved you! Why're you so mean? WAHHHHHHH!"

Fake crocodile tears poured out of my eyes.

"Stop with the fake crying," he chuckled.

"Oh, you saw through that huh?" I questioned, "It seems you're starting to figure me out Saihara-chan I gotta step up my game!"

"Good luck with that," He commented.

"Anyway, I'll be off. Goodbye my beloved Saihara-chan."

"Bye Ichi."

He took my hand and gave it a small kiss. My cheeks immediately became a flustered mess. He let go of me hand. Then I quickly went out the window. I can't be falling for him again! I don't wanna loop him into this mess. He's playing with my stupid little heart! I bet he would arrest me in a heartbeat if I gave him the chance! Oh well, maybe I'll visit him soon without the whole Phantom Thief get up. With that I made my way back to my hideout. Once I got there I put everyone in time out besides Maeko, Miu, and Shota. Then I went to bed daydreaming about sweet little Saihara-chan. He really stole my heart pretty quickly. That means I'll have to do the same!

A/N: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Y'ALL!! Go be with that one person if you have one. But if you're single like me then I guess thanks for taking time to read this! I hope everyone has an amazing Valentine's day!!!

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