Chapter 4

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Anna POV
I opened my eyes and look around . The first thing I search for was my headphones , I couldn't survive on this island without listening to music . Then I noticed that I was on the ground and some ship crash was surrounding me . I didn't see anyone !! did they all die without me ?! .

I get up and start walking around . It was morning did I over slept or something?! I just sit near my bag and start opening my phone but no single!!! I mean who will survive without his phone ?! What a luck that I'm having .

After my phone broke down I just take my bag and start walking , maybe there's people here that can help me to find a place to stay . So I was walking , and then I saw few people searching between the bushes .

Then I yell out " Hey guys!!! Do you know how I can leave this place ?! "

There was a staring girl with black hair she look at me and say
" Hey !!! Wait Anna ?! "

I was wondering how she know my name , but maybe she knows me from school I guess ?!!!

So I asked " who are you ? And how you know me ? And where the rest of the group? "

Then she look at me , she was shocked but why ??

She said " it's me Ems you use to call me bæ "

I laugh so loud after she say that , I mean why I will call her that ?! My face was full with of wonders
Then I say " Look girl I have no idea who the heck are you !! but could you just cut the act and show me where are the rest of the group?! "

Then she suddenly disappear I mean what the hell just happen !! where did she go ?! I step backwards and I bump into someone turns out that it was her
Then I jump and yell " What the heck !!!! How did you do that ?! "

Then she said " just like I expected !! You need to come with me "

She grab my hand and with one blink I was in huge place was full with long trees and few cabins . The place was dark I guess that why I like it . I look around
Then I ask the girl " could you explain things to me I have no idea on what's going on !! "

She laughs at me and say " my name is Emily . As you can see that's we are not different from each other , we are vampires so as you of course . This island call bæsland , I don't know why we call it that , but it was because of you !!! . Oh and one more last thing there's a lot of creatures on this island . There is , wolfs, witches, guardians and hybrids . "

I lost my mind when I just heard vampire!!! I mean is she fucking kidding me right now?! I mean I know I just walk from crazy ship crash but this won't be the reason that I lose my freaking mind !!! I need to get away from those crazy people . The soon she turn around I run as fast as I can as far as I can reach . Then I stop to catch my breath . Then I heard a foot steps
Then I yell " who's there ?! "

Then I heard I guy voice saying " Anna !! Is that you ?! "

Then I turn my face to his direction and look at him and he was wearing black hoodie

Then I say " Who are you ?! "

Then he disappear after I asked that question , this island couldn't get any weirder .
Then I step away and I saw a wolf and say " Oh I spoke to soon !! "

Then I suddenly saw Emily appear from nowhere and hold the wolf and yell at me " RUN !!! "

I start running I have no idea why tho . I stop again and Emily was there she walk to me and say
" Come with me , because it's not safe to wonder around the woods "

I start looking at her and I was so mad . So I said " please leave me alone bitch !! are trying to make me look like a joke ?! This is not funny !! just cut the act "

Then she grab my hand and start running to their place and say
" Look to this place Anna , look to your village !! I promise you that somehow I will make you remember this place . We are your family Anna , if you don't believe me , then you try to run one more time !! but this time Payton over there will be chasing you !!! Now run Anna run "

Payton is a weird tall guy his brown eyes couldn't be more awesome . But then he start to chaise me and he was really fast I was like why this happening to me ?! I start running and every second I start to feel that I'm going faster not slower . He start getting closer , and then I suddenly feel like I jump from place to another . Then I pushed my feet against the ground and stopped .
I walk to Emily and say " that was so sick !! I never have so much fun in my life !! I guess your right I'm one of you , but why I don't remember any of you if we are family?! "

She hugged me and said " yay Your back !! And about the memory thing I seriously have no idea why you forget about this place "

The night come and I saw few light balls flying in the sky so I asked Emily " what is this ?! "

Then she say " those are the guardians I think they found someone with you on this island "

Then I asked " you mean that someone was here a left over kid when the ship crash ?! "

Then she say " yes , yes she is I guess she's one of the bæs in here "

I start wondering saying " you say that the reason this island call bæland because of me right ?! But you also said you don't know why ?! "

Then I heard her heartbeat it was beating so fast

Then she say " Yeah that's the truth !! "

I don't think she's telling me the truth !! she's so scared of answering
Then I say " your lying I can hear your heartbeat!! So just tell me the truth is it because of me ?! "

Then she say " yes !! but not only you , because you and your friends. "
But I don't have friends I never did have one

So I say " I don't have friends!! Could you explain to me what's going on ?! "

Then she say " okay I will so here the truth......."
Thx for reading so far I also want to thx as Emily for helping me in this chapter follow her on Instagram and support her story
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@_episodeaddict_ as Annandra
@aidynn.episodee as Aidyn
@just_the_beginning0 as Nicole
@officialthebet as Anna
And me as Catherine and my Instagram account is @wattpad_bk
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