Chapter 9

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Jasmine POV
I say " Catherine this won't work !! "

She say " I'm done with this game we must kill one of them !! "

Her eyes turn red I never thought that Catherine have this side of her her magic is stronger than us but she never turn !! , She say " ripped throats , pine in the souls , darkness must grow deep in her , let her blood boil till her body exploded , and the blood start to spread to every inch in the island to make all of them suffer like us !!! "

A strong wind start to blow after she say that . Lisa was the one that she was casting spell on . She flys in the air and Eric and Eli beg her to stop but she was so focused on a revenge . I think she knows Lisa from before

Then Lisa body exploded and her blood was on our faces then Catherine say " now you better run or you all will die like her !! "

Then her eyes become blue and go back to brown .

Anna said " what the hell !! How did you do this spell ?! "

Then she says " just drop it !! "

Nikki said " how we will save the proctors and our clans from this war ?! "

I said " we need everyone help !! come on we need to convince our clans to work together , I mean we are dealing with hybrids of us all !! we can't win if we stand alone !! "

Then Annadra say " ya we have to do our best !! Now Catherine you can.. Wait where Catherine go ?! "

I yelled " Catherine !! Catherine !! Where the hell are you ?! "

Catherine POV
When they were talking I start feeling blood coming out from my noise , they told me this would happen !! I hope I will be alright , but till that happen !! let me stay away from the bæs for awhile

Next day in Nicole clan
Nikki POV
I wake up in the morning and keep hearing people screaming , when I ask Ellie what was going on she said " the hybrids are attacking us !! We can't stand against them !! "

I was so nervous how they attached us ?! Why no one noticed them ?!

I yelled to Ellie " Ellie go to the Annandra and tell her to warn the others about the attack !! "

She went to her , and then I saw Eric with his shadow magic , he was saying " Nicole you better give up this fight !! I already warn you once I won't do it again!! "

I say " oh screw you !! Pradma lon si nova ry casta mofina!! "

I cast a spell to hold his magic , this spell only last for a couple of minutes !! I hope this give Ellie some time to run to Annadra

Ellie POV
I run as fast as I could till I cast a spell to transform myself to her pack , I run to her and said " Annadra you must warn the others the hybrids going to attack all the clans and packs anytime now !! only Eric is attacking ours !! you must warn the others Eli must be close !! "

She start growling and then she yell to them all " listen to me my dear pack our friends in danger we must help them !! "

Then Kayla say " but they are witches !! "

She start growling again then she say " I don't care !! they are bæs of the island , we must help them bæs always stick together !! "

Kayla said then " but they kill one of us !! "

Then Annadra say " if your not going , I will go alone with no one stand by me !! and I don't care if I lose or win at least I will fight for a reason!! "

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