Chapter 47 - Return Of An Old Face.

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A/N - Hope You Like. :D


Chloe woke that day feeling cheerful and she had no idea why. After getting herself dressed she made her way into Aubree's room and saw her sitting up in her cot with a massive smile on face "there's my beautiful baba with her big smiles" Aubree started giggling which made Chloe smile "how about we make you all pretty in pink" Aubree again smiled so Chloe got her out the cot and dressed her in a pink hello kitty dress, pink tights and pink ugg boots "awh you're so cute". Rachel got a shock when she saw Chloe fully dressed with Aubree at 7:30 "am I seeing things? You're dressed before Philip?" Chloe smirked "don't get too used to it" Rachel smirked "seriously Chloe, I'm shocked" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah yeah".

Arriving at school Chloe had become tired "being awake early sucks' Rachel smirked "you're gonna have to get used too it" Chloe rolled her eyes and walked off to take Aubree to creche. When she left she saw Chlo and Charlotte "hello stranger" Charlotte smiled "hiya" Chloe hugged Charlotte "we've missed you" Charlotte grinned "I've missed you too, how's Aubree?" Chloe smiled "she's fine, she misses you" Charlotte again smiled "I'd love too see her" Chloe nodded "how about breaktime?" Charlotte nodded.

After registration Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo had P.E "I literally can't be doing with this" Chlo laughed "not as if we can bunk off" Chloe grinned "who said?" Chlo frowned "you serious?" Chloe nodded "yeah, its only P.E, not as if we're missing anything" Chloe looked at Charlotte "you in?" Charlotte thought for a moment and nodded "yeah" Chloe grinned and looked at Chlo "come on, what would you rather do? Hang around and get sweaty OR chill on the roof" Chlo groaned "fine" Chloe grinned "that's my girl".

While sitting on the roof Chloe started dancing "you shouldn't be dancing on the flamming roof" Chloe grinned "there's Mr.Clarky" Chlo groaned "he sees us and we're dead" Chloe nodded "yeah" Chloe sat down "oh crap" Chloe looked at Charlotte "what?" "Mr.Tyler" Chloe peeked over and saw what Charlotte meant "oh, this isn't good".

Once P.E had ended the girls got down from the roof "I just realised" Chlo turned to her "what?" Chloe smirked "we have Clarkson for English, and didn't we just bunk his P.E lesson" Chlo paled "we're dead" Chloe thought for a second "not really" Charlotte frowned "what?" Chloe grinned "we'll tell Clarky that we were helping Mr.Tyler with something" Chlo sighed "and what if Tom asks Mr.Tyler?" "Leave it with me".

Chloe made her way to the office "I need too speak with Mr.Tyler" Joyce nodded and Chloe walked into where Max was sitting "I need your help" Max looked at her "where were you, Charlotte Smith and Chlo Grainger during P.E?" Chloe grinned "that's what I need your help with" Max frowned "how?" Chloe looked at him "I need you too tell Mr.Clarkson that we were helping you" Max smirked "why would I do that?" Chloe shrugged "if what yo said the other day was, and that you loved me, then I thought you'd help me" Max smirked again "I'll help you" Chloe grinned "thanks" Max watched as Chloe walked out the office.

Chloe met with the girls "sorted" Chlo frowned "what seriously?" Chloe nodded "yeah, just fluttered my eyelashes" Charlotte grinned as Max walked towards the class "Tom, Chloe, Charlotte and Chlo, they were doing something for me during the last period" Tom nodded "alright" Max left the classroom and gave a wink to Chloe.

At breaktime Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo made their way to creche "I seriously hope she hasn't covered herself in whatever she's been doing" Chlo grinned "why?" "She looks cute today". Entering the creche Chloe felt her anger rise when she saw Adam holding Aubree "put her down" Adam smiled "Chloe, its nice to see you again, Aubree-Leigh has gotten big" Chloe glared "I said put her down, you're nothing to her" Adam smirked "Chloe I'm her grandfather" Chloe scoffed "seriously you are nothing to her, so I suggest you put her down" Adam placed Aubree down and she crawled over to Charlotte who puck her up "you shouldn't even be in here" Adam smiled "I came too see the little madam" Chloe frowned "well get out, you're don't even work here anymore" Adam went to leave but he turned to Chloe "I will get Rachel back, and I will make sure that I play a massive part in Aubree-Leigh's life" Chloe rolled her eyes and sat with Charlotte,Chlo and Aubree.

Chloe sat in the common room catching up with some work for French when Danielle walked in "Chloe can we talk?" Chloe frowned "why would I wanna talk too you?" Danielle sighed "I wanna join Mean Stinks" Chloe scoffed "you're not joining" Danielle looked at Chloe "please, I'm sorry for what I said too Charlotte" Chloe rolled her eyes "do one, the only reason you wanna join is because Aleesha or Karla won't speak too you" Danielle left the common and Max walked in "what was all that about?" Chloe smirked "wanted too join Mean Stinks" Max nodded and sat opposite Chloe "what did you tell her?" Chloe grinned "no chance" Chloe stood and left.

Chloe went home that afternoon and saw Adam's car outside "what you doing here?" Adam smiled "I'm here to get your mum back" Chloe rolled her eyes and pushed the pushchair up the path "Chloe wait" Chloe turned to him "leave me alone" Adam sighed "I'm sorry about everything I did" Chloe rolled her eyes "I don't care, stay away from me and my daughter" Chloe went in the house locking the door in case Adam tried to get in.

When Rachel returned she frowned when she saw Adam's car outside "Adam what are you doing here?" Adam sighed "I wanna apologise for everything" Rachel looked at him "I'm sorry, I can't forgive you" Adam looked at her "Rach I'm sorry, just give me one last chance" Rachel shook her head "no, I need too put my daughter first" Adam glared, got in his car and drove off.

Rachel entered the house and saw Chloe playing with Aubree "Chloe why didn't you tell me about Adam being outside?" Chloe sighed "I tried, your phone was switched off" Rachel nodded "what did he say?" "Wanted to apologise for what happened" Rachel looked at Chloe "look love, Adam isn't coming back into our lives, I promise you" Chloe nodded "right" Rachel went to sort paperwork out while Chloe continued to play with Aubree.


A/N - Hope You Liked. All Being Well I'll Have Another Update Tonight. Littlest Roscoe Readers, The Next Chater Will Be Done No Later Then Tomorrow. Xoxo

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