Chapter 24 - An Accident

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A/N - While Typing This I'm Watching Series 1 Of Waterloo Road, Awwh!! Tom Is Soo Cute, But Yeah Hope You Like The Update. I Got The Inspiration For This Chapter From Watching Series 1 xoxo

Chloe hadn't spoken to or seen Max since he had been arrested and she didn't know how she felt about that. That day she was going into school with Charlotte as Rachel and Eddie had been on a date which made the two girls happy as they wanted them to be happy. Walking into school Charlotte asked the question that noone had asked Chloe "has Max been realesed yet?" Chloe turned to Charlotte "I don't know, I haven't spoken too him" Charlotte sighed "its mental, Adam ringing the police" Chloe nodded "I know, what's even more mental was the fact that I got questioned by them about it" "why tell them you were raped though?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know, everyone knows me and they know that I would fight back if anyone tried to do that too me" Charlotte grinned "yeah I know that" Chloe sighed "can we not talk about this? I just wanna forget that it ever happened" Charlotte nodded.

Arriving at school Charlotte noticed Max's car "Chloe, he's back" Chloe frowned and saw what Charlotte was going on about "oh" Charlotte sighed "it'll be alright" Chloe nodded "yeah, must be amazing being accused of rape" Charlotte looked at Chloe "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine, I need to take Aubree too creche" Charlotte nodded and Chloe walked off.

Max sat in the office and waited for Rachel to walk in but he got a shock when Kim and Chris walked in "Max, you're back?" Max smirked "false allegation" Kim nodded "oh right, does Chloe know you're back?" Max shrugged "I don't know" Chris frowned "Max, Chloe was questioned by the police, it scared her" Max glared "it scared her? Christopher I was dragged into a police station and questioned" Chris frowned "she's a 16 year old girl, one you got pregnant" Max rolled his eyes "I never intended for her to get pregnant, but I don't regret my child" Kim frowned "what about this baby that I'm carrying?" Max smirked "how do I know that's my child" Kim rolled her eyes "I know its your baby" Max again smirked and Kim walked out leaving Chris angry "you don't deserve Aubree or that baby Kim is carrying" Max looked at Chris "my child is not your concern" Chris glared "no but Chloe is a pupil of mine, therefore I care" Max smirked "soft spot for her? I had her first and now you want her?" Chris rolled his eyes "grow up Max, you blurred the boundries between pupil and staff the minute you got her into bed" Chris stormed out leaving Max smirking.

Chloe was sitting in the common room alone when Max walked in "Chloe a word now" Chloe nodded and Max sat down "enjoy that did you?" Chloe frowned "enjoy what?" Max smirked "you know what, getting me arrested?" Chloe frowned again "you think it was me who rang them?" Max smirked "I know it was you" Chloe glared "it was Adam who rang them! Not me! If it was me then I wouldn't have told the truth about how you never made me do anything I didn't want to, I would have told them you forced me too" Chloe stood up to leave but Max grabbed her arm "Chloe" Chloe shook his hand off her "get off me" Chloe walked out the common room and made her way to the Art room.

Chloe arrived at the art room and saw her friends "what's wrong?" Chloe looked at her friends "Max, he's blaming me for the police being called" Charlotte frowned "why would he do that?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know and to be honest I really don't care" Chlo smiled "that's my girl" Chloe laughed "right group we make" Charlotte smirked "yeah, we're all a bunch of nutters" Kim walked out "girls lesson began 5minutes ago" Chloe frowned "oh right" Charlotte,Chloe and Chlo went to walk into the class when Kim stopped Chloe "er Chloe, Mr.Tyler wants a word in his office" Chloe sighed and made her way to the office.

Max was writing something down when Chloe walked in "what do you want?" Max smirked "sit down" Chloe shook her head "I'll stand thanks" Max nodded "I want to apologise for earlier" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm passed caring" Max frowned "Chloe listen" Chloe glared "look, you accused me of doing something which I never did, how do you think that made me feel? I hate the idea of rape or even accusing someone of that, especially after what my dad did" Max frowned "Chloe what did he do to you?" Chloe sighed "it doesn't matter, forget I said anything" Chloe went to leave when Max stood and closed the door to stop her leaving "Chloe I'm going to ask once more, what did your father do to you?" Chloe glared "leave it, I don't need to tell you anything" Chloe opened the door with force and walked out.

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